Clearly answering the objections to the occurrence of white - TopicsExpress


Clearly answering the objections to the occurrence of white genocide in South Africa isn’t difficult by any means, but it is extremely necessary in our contemporary context since the majority of white South Africans, the very victims of the genocide, would deny that it is even taking place. They have been completely brainwashed with leftist propaganda and are unable to think for themselves. In fact, the official political opposition to the African National Congress in South Africa is the Democratic Alliance, a party which, although less vocally, also supports the disenfranchisement and genocide of white Afrikaners, and probably more vocally supports the destruction of the last remnants of Christianity. This party gets over 85% of the Afrikaner vote at election time.12 When over 80% of Afrikaners describe themselves as Christians yet at the same time vote for the advancement of the kingdom of Satan in virtually every sphere, it really does unfortunately render the epithet “Christian” meaningless. I’ve grown accustomed to end every article about my people with a call to repentance, but there really isn’t any other viable solution to our seemingly insoluble problem (II Chron. 7:14).
Posted on: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 14:51:42 +0000

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