Clearly the Mayor had no idea what he is talking about at the - TopicsExpress


Clearly the Mayor had no idea what he is talking about at the Special Meeting held yesterday. He firmly believed there were allegations of wrong doing in the Notice of Motion and has repeatedly made public statements about employee relations issues raised by the request to investigate the events leading up to cancellation of the leadership event. Mayor seems to think looking at X, Y and Z means that their reputation is at risk and that staff are going to sue Council ... Mayor has let the cat of the bag so many times in public why even bother going IC? It is clear to me from this meeting and the Mayors comments that staff are opposing the investigation. Majority of Council is protecting staff from an investigation and maybe themselves since some of them knew days before May 5th and that will come out too. The Mayor has a statutory obligation to share information with Council, he admits he knew early and didnt bother tell anyone. Councillor Pattje knew early and he chose not to share with all of Council. Who else knew? What did they know? Why cant we know? Colliery Dams, LeaderGATE, hotel deals, what else has to be kept secret and why? I sound crazy but this stuff is crazy. I will vote for any candidate who makes a commitment to stay in OPEN and PUBLIC meetings throughout his or her term. Thats my challenge, be brave enough, be democratic, believe in yourself and your community and conduct business in open meetings. There will always be a risk to the corporation Mr. Mayor thats life in civic politics if you cant handle dont run again.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 01:51:34 +0000

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