Clerical Satanists or Genuine Deliverance Ministers? Carol - TopicsExpress


Clerical Satanists or Genuine Deliverance Ministers? Carol Thompson, B.A. Theology, Masters in Divinity (Candidate) We henceforth be no more children tossed to and fro and carried about by every wind of doctrine by the sleight of men and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive. (Ephesians 4:v.11) Emphasis mine The Apostle Paul Doth our law judge any man before it hear him and know what he doeth? (John 7:v.51) Emphasis mine Nicodemus AVOIDING THE TRUTH There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all argument and which cannot fail to keep man in everlasting ignorance, that principle is condemnation before investigation. Emphasis mine Edmund Spencer QUESTIONABLE DISPLAY IN THE SANCTUARY In 1997, my wife and I attended Swallow Field Chapel seeking membership. While there, Bishop Joseph Ade Gold, the Rev. Dr. Donald Stewart and Pastor Johnson came to the local church to conduct deliverance ministry. Personally, I took offence with this high profile team for they brought occult literature into the sanctuary and spread them out in public display on tables like artifacts. Unlike repentant occult practitioners from antiquity, who deliberately and publicly confessed their deep occult involvement and burnt occult literature book by book in a public bond fire this team collected and publicly displayed them in the full view and with the evident fascination of many saints who should have know better (See Acts 19:vv.18-20). Ministers of the gospel who have declared publicly that they once practiced the occult especially to the depth where astral travel was commonly experienced but are now ministers of deliverance yet are still collecting occult literature and instruments from counselees instead of burning them, are decidedly, very much involved in the occult; “While they promise them liberty they themselves are the servants of depravity, of whom a man is overcome of the same is he brought into bondage” II Peter 2:v.19b). With respect to both orthodoxy (right teaching) and orthopraxy (right practice) these men are in error and they are the very ones whom new deliverance ministers employ as a model for their fledging ministries when our paradigm for ministry ought to be rooted and grounded in sound biblical doctrine and practice. HISTORICAL FULFILLMENT TO CANCELS POPULAR SENTIMENT On the Saturday of these meetings, I personally gave a prophecy in writing to Bishop Joseph Ade Gold which stated, among other things, that he would be provided with the money to publish his book regarding the occult. It was later reported to me, by members of Overcomers International, who are close to Ade Gold, that the very same day, a man from the local church came forward and gave him the money. Personally, I am not acquainted with this man nor did I in any way influence him in the fulfillment of the prophecy. DANCING AROUND THE PINK ELEPHANT During the time of questions and answers I raised my hands for quite a while but was deliberately ignored. Refusing to be deterred, I continued raising my hand. When it became evident that my question would not be slighted, I posed it directly to Bishop Joseph Ade Gold. It demanded a simple and straight forward answer: Citing the incident regarding the accursed thing in Joshua 7:v v.1-15, I asked, “Are there not real dangers in bringing occult literature like these into the sanctuary?” Bishop Ade Gold answered in quite a round about way but never directly. By weaving a story, he reluctantly admitted that it may hold back your blessings. Donald Stewart defensively retorted by dismissing the cited incident of the accursed thing saying that specific case was qualitatively different and explained: “I do not know about anyone else but God has given me a special mandate to do what I am doing.” The man was evidently deceived. God will not give anyone any special mandate to violate the boundaries of his written word especially when doing so will bring the same man into intensified demonic bondage for simply reading occult literature is a primary port of entry for occult spirits of the wickedest kind. Furthermore, if we accept that their presence may hold back the corporate blessing of this local assembly, why then was occult literature brought into the sanctuary in the first place? Furthermore, why did the elders, men whom I know for many years, love and respect and who ought to be watching over the flock as sentinels, sleeping on their watch when they should have taken a stand against this practice? {Ezekiel 33 : v v.1-9}. Respect of persons ruled the day as a clear biblical principle was compromised for personality. One of the major problems I have had with some Charismatic and close Evangelical associates in leaders is that they love to dance around the pink elephant in the living room and instead of calling a spade a spade, they call it an agricultural tool! DOCTRINAL ERROR After observing this clear departure from apostolic teaching at Swallow Field Chapel, the LORD gave me a prophetic/doctrinal word to address the evidently false practice by exposing the error. It was originally called the Bewitchment of the Church but later correctly labeled: “The Kingdom in Advancement in the Face of Bewitchment”. Beginning with a general overview of Bewitchment in:- Leadership, Local Fellowship and the Land (See respectively, The Implication of Individual Bewitchment: Exodus 32:v v.21-24, The Question of Congregational Bewitchment: Galatians 3:v v.1-3, and The Declaration of Geographical Bewitchment: Acts 8:v v.8-11). Followed by a detailed exposition from sound exegesis of Acts 8:v v.4–23. Therefore, a deliberate expose of the patently false teaching and practice of this local group of deliverance ministers arose with a six point analysis:- ACTS 8: v v. 4-23 1. The Kingdom in Advancement and Demonstration v v.4-8 2. Sorcery in Contention and Territorial Domination v v.9-11 3. Genuine and Questionable Conversion v v.12-13 4. Apostolic Delegation v v. 14-17 5. Monetary Persuasion v v.18-19 6. Apostolic Confrontation v v. 20-23 DELIBERATELY OBSCURE OCCULT RITES AND RITUALS Understand and appreciate that for obvious reasons, the Bible is very guarded with respect to occult rites and rituals. Even when a skeletal outline is provided regarding occult procedure, it is deliberately obscure and neglects to provide minute details (See the Mosaic and Pauline injunctions regarding the Occult / the Secret:-Deuteronomy 29:v.29). Deliberate apostolic resolution to remain uninformed regarding the Mystery Religions of the first century which included secret/occult rites: 1 Corinthians 2:v v.1-2 and v v.4-5, The Church in Thyatira were commended for they did not embrace the Doctrine of the Depth of Satan although Jezebel, a leading figure and a witch, tried to convince them otherwise-Revelation.2:v.24. Occult rites and ritual procedure deliberately obscure re Séance at Endor particularly with respect to the Process of Invocation- I Samuel 28:v v.11-14 and purposefully obscure and bare essentials regarding Bacchanal magic and divination-Ezekiel 13:v v.17-23, the Process of Invocation deliberately obscures Ezekiel 21:v v.21-22). The evidence is cogent and cannot be gainsaid. THE QUALITATIVE DIFFERENCE IN CHRISTIAN LITERATURE Understand that there is a qualitative difference between Judeo-Christian literature and occult literature. As a result, the Holy Spirit instructed me to burn the popular Charismatic book, HE CAME TO SET THE CAPTIVES FREE by Rebecca Brown. In fact, during a counselling session, one Christian young woman, from an ultra conservative evangelical background, complained that as a result of reading this book she could now call up spirits and perform curses. PROPHETIC/DELIVERANCE MINISTRY AT SHORT WOOD TEACHER’S COLLEGE Summoned by the Head of the Religious Education Department, Kenneth Runcie, to assist him with a demonized student, I prophetically instructed them not to call either Joseph Ade Gold or Donald Stewart for God would not get the glory. They went ahead and invited them even though we had the situation under control. A young woman became demonized after watching Charmed and declaring that she wished she had the power displayed on this openly occult series. In spite of the history between Stewart and myself, for the sake of the young people caught up in the grip of demonic captivity, I acted professionally on two occasions. This young woman was approached by Runcie and I in the women’s dorm. MAN HANDLED AND MADE TO APPEAR INCOMPETENT She attempted to physically injure herself and man handled the both of us as we struggled to assist her even though she was slim and comparatively, physically inferior in size but not in strength. Upon entering the dorm we had to wrest knives from her and physically restrain her. Soon we became exhausted as we wrestled to physically subdue her. The Holy Spirit instructed me to tell Marcia to go to the car and fetch the CD with the audio Bible on it. After Marcia turned her back, the young lady grabbed the socket in the wall and attempted to intercept and prevent the resolution to the ongoing challenge. With Runcie on one side of the bed and me on the other, fearing electrocution, we finally pried her hands free from the plug while just in time Marcia inserted the audio Bible on CD. THE EFFECTIVE SWORD OF THE SPIRIT Our struggle to restrain the young woman ended promptly with the well-timed use of the sword of the Spirit as she slumped in the bed under the influence of the Sword of the Spirit, the Rhema Word. We looked at each other exhausted as the Word of God subdued the demons manifesting through her. Understand that it is not by power nor by might but my Spirit says the LORD. INSTRUCTED NOT TO SHAKE HANDS After taking control of the situation, I looked to the door only to see the Principal, Mrs. Foster Allen, calling me outside the dorm and informing me that Ade Gold was now in the house. He stretched out his hand to politely extend a hand shake. The Holy Spirit whispered to me not to shake his hand, and although feeling uncomfortable, in retrospect, I am glad I obeyed. SPECIAL FORCE OFFICERS Politely, I said to the Principal and Ade Gold: ‘’The situation is already under control’’. Then I excused myself and re-entered the dorm. Confronting the demons I said, ‘’Devil bow your knees to the Christ in me!!! One by one we cast out the evil spirits with the students marching around us singing choruses about the blood of Jesus. The victory that night made us all feel like special force officers, gathered to deal with the Devils’ case by metaphorically slapping him repeatedly in the face. Christians from various churches and denominations, working in one accord were instructed by the Holy Spirit. God was given all the glory but only briefly as we acquainted principalities and powers with the Manifold Wisdom of God. LYING TO THE PRINT AND BROADCAST MEDIA To my shock and dismay, Ade Gold left, still feeling slighted and had approached CVM. He lambasted us and gave the STAR a completely different story about the young woman manhandling us in his attempt to make us look incompetent. NO EXPERTS IN THE DELIVERANCE MINISTRY Understand, brethren, that there are no experts in the ministry of deliverance. From May 1982, exactly nine months after my conversion, upon reading, Deliver Us from Evil and Face up with a Miracle by the late Don Basham, I have been actively casting out demons for an accumulated period of over 30 years. This is clear proof that casting out demons is no venture in rocket science as some would have us believe. Nevertheless, I just don’t go around flaunting my field experience or acquired God given expertise in deliverance by wearing a badge etched, DC (DEMON CHASER):” Who you gonna call? DEMON CHASERS INCORPORATED!!! SWINGING THE MANTLE On another occasion, I received a telephone call from Principal Foster Allen to come and assist them. When I arrived on campus, Donald Stewart and his team were being ridiculed by a demon, speaking through a young man. As I observed the youth calling upon Satan for reinforcement while the youth was lying on the floor, the Holy Spirit instructed me to trample on the ground with my feet and repeatedly declare: ‘‘SATAN YOU ARE UNDER OUR FEET’’. As I obeyed I was given further instructions to declare with my hand, ‘’ I cut off all assistance from Satan as I draw the sword of the Spirit.’’ The young man looked up and said, ’’ Yu nuh see say it nah work?’’ Creole meaning: “Do you not see that it is not working? Since demons are deceivers and further armed with the word of knowledge, I told Stewart that he had in his possession an interactive occult CD. To which he replied: ‘’Tell his mother’’. Upon informing her, she responded: ‘’ Yes, he does!’’From her apartment she retrieved one entitled ‘’EL DIABLO’. I instructed her to burn it before her son could get delivered. After Donald, myself and his deliverance team waited, it seemed, for an eternity and nothing was happening I proceeded to find his mother. When I did, she described the CD with a flamed image. When they threw the CD into the fire she reported that the same flame ignited and became a bond fire. Upon returning upstairs the youth was gloriously delivered. Like my Lord, I am constrained to ask the obvious, “Can Satan cast out Satan?” LABELLED AND DISMISSED Days later I remained on campus typing out an outline re Witchcraft: Publicly Enemy Number (1) by Derek Prince for the Principal and those interested in these phenomena. After printing it and upon attempting to see her, Thelma McKenzie, an administrator, who regularly visits Swallow Field Chapel, tried to intercept me, but I would have none of it. So I proceeded to the Principal’s office and gave her the necessary information. I also asked her to write down a prophecy I was getting spontaneously. It warned her about the media getting a hold of what was taking place on the campus and specifically about fellow ministers casting professional slurs at me. As I turned my back to leave, the phone rang. Before going through the door, Foster Allen stopped me and informed me that RJR was on the line calling to find out about the incident. I smiled and left. After my visit with the Principal, evidently someone had called Donald Stewart. He proceeded to her office upon my exit. His purpose was to impress Foster Allen by explaining that he had over 300 teaching tapes on demonology and spiritual warfare. Stewart spoke evil about me, calling me a false prophet and casting aspersions against my character. Soon I attended a devotional exercise there in which I publicly prophesied to the Principal. The entire school will attest to this prophecy long before the results of the general election won by the Jamaica Labour Party in spite of widespread false prophecies from Rev. Dr. Philip Phinn and his associate groups of prophets throughout Kingston and St. Andrew. Among other things, these very words were prophesied: “Hear the rhema God will set a man over the political arena!” Observe a pun on the word rhema as in “Rema” and “Jungle” garrison constituencies of both political parties. Understand the use of dark speech in this regard. Runcie soon informed me that it was best that I did not return to the campus and so I did not. Since this incidence, I pulled away from close contact and fellowship from Kenneth Runcie who had shared a friendship with me for over twenty years. ONCE BITTEN, TWICE BYE Some of the students, to date have relapsed and are not attending church. How sad? Instead of God getting the glory, all that energy and effort was used to promote Donald Stewart and Ade Gold’s ministries at the expense of these precious young people. I had instructed and underscored the need for the Principal to allow me to objectify the evidently traumatic experiences of the students by providing adequate biblical instruction, in order to dispel confusion. I even offered to do follow up counselling and lent the Principal several of my reference books. These high profile ministers frequently seen on cable television, hogged the show at my expense and the expense of these precious young people. Since then I have said, ‘’ Never again!’’ In the event that an institution should call me to minister to their constituents re paranormal and occult activities and multiple demonization by providing ministry for their liberation from demonic bondage, I will attend on the following conditions. In consultation with administration, the team and I would have as much control over who enters the field of engagement and ministers to students in need before and as much as possible after their liberation on the campus. Pre as well as post deliverance sessions ought to be publicly and privately conducted, as far as possible, under tight biblical guidelines in order to prevent relapse. Occult spirits are the most challenging and my experience has repeatedly proved that they will ridicule and make every attempt to make you feel and appear incompetent. Prior to engagement, it would be best that the deliverance ministry teams know through enquiry or revelation, exactly the nature of the demonization so that they may adequately prepare for the eventuality of a worst-case scenario. Many novices were present beating the air, calling attention to themselves and their ministries, at the expense of the institution, who could have done without the negative publicity. Instead a co-ordinated effort would have been undertaken by ministers who are self effacing and understand that it is not about them and the promotion of their ministries and carving out some kind of niche market for their ministries but about the precious lives, physical and and mental health of those caught in the grip of satanic bondage. THE FALLACY OF EXCLUSIVITY When we examine the biblical evidence, it is a clear fallacy for anyone to believe that only certain persons may conduct deliverance ministry. This is an inclusive ministry, provided for all believers. Expelling demons is absolutely not rocket science but a simple procedure which may be learnt by any believer through observation and participation with an experienced minister who would mentor them in a sometimes challenging process. Seven times out of ten deliverance is a simple procedure. Only three times out of ten complications may present themselves like in the above incidence. Everyone who Jesus sent out to preach the gospel was also given the power and authority to heal the sick and to cast out demons (Mark 10:v v.8-9, 16:v v.15-17, Luke 10:v v.17-20.”The Seventy” separate and apart from ‘The Twelve”). We have no monopoly on the ministry of deliverance from evil spirits. Exclusivity and professional jealousy were equally addressed by Jesus who unflinchingly confronted the issue specifically with regards to the deliverance ministry (Mark 9:v v.38-41). BALANCED PASTORAL MINISTRY Furthermore, a man cannot be considered as having a balanced ministry with 300 tapes on spiritual warfare, demons and deliverance. Even the gospels and epistles comparatively contain mere limited teaching relating to the issue of demons as well as principalities and powers as it relates to spiritual warfare. Widespread myths abound regarding this subject because many venture beyond precisely what is written. Demons and demonology ought not to be the main focus of the pastor/teacher. God, our relationship to him and to each other as well as Reformation Theology and present truth as applied to our socio-spiritual contexts are the main issues with which we and the local churches ought to concern ourselves. HYPER VIGILANCE AND AFFECTED MENTAL STATES For this very reason research finding have proven that more Pentecostal and Neo-Pentecostal church members end up in mental institutions because of over emphasis, popular myths, hyper authoritarian abuse and the psychological enslavement from the leadership in Charismatic, Pentecostal and some Evangelical churches. This erroneous approach to ministry only serves to create excessive vigilance in the minds of church members regarding the work of Satan and also establishes, by default, much ignorance regarding the work of God through the Holy Spirit. Internationally, the Charismatic Movement was renowned to teach on the work, person, gifts and ministries of the Holy Spirit but now, we are observing locally that the Charismatic Movement is nothing more than the “tombstone of a former revival” where self serving doctrines are being delivered to build the kingdoms of these cult and personality leaders. Whenever the strange and uncanny work of the Holy Spirit occurs such persons are only too quick to label and dismiss it as demonic and this is a very questionable and dangerous practice. (See the Beelzebub periscope in Matthew 12:v v.22-37). THE UNCANNY WORK OF THE HOLY SPIRIT DISMISSED AS DEMONIC One may prophesy in pure poetry, containing a plethora of dark and direct speech and prophetic drama but because of sheer ignorance re the oracular means by leading men like Stewart and as a result, many have swallowed the bait of deception, hook line and sinker{ See Acts 21 : v.11 AGABUS and SPONTANEOUS DRAMA. There are several instances of PROPHETIC DRAMA in the OLD TESTAMENT and AMONG CONTEMPORARY PROPHETIC MINISTRY to confirm that in so doing the prophets are not spooky spiritual but were directed in so doing by the Holy Spirit}. PULLING THE WOOL OVER THE EYES OF THE NAIEVE For example, I studied with Sharon Hare. She is personally known to me from Jamaica Theological Seminary, where together, we read for a degree but because of some, not all, in leadership, who have told her and countless others that I am a false prophet, whenever I see, greet and attempt to engage this sister in casual conversation, I can literally see the fear in her face as she hurries to quickly end our discourse. The mind control techniques of the classical cults again at work. She has heard false statements and never enquired or examined these charges using biblical guidelines in order to check out their veracity. The book, Charismatic Captivation, by Steve Lambert Th.D., himself a Charismatic, with a prophetic / deliverance ministry spells out the signs of authoritarian abuse, psychological enslavement of Charismatic churches and the extremely helpful capstone of the 15 R’s of RECOVERY. This masterpiece also explains the psychological effects of such abuse and the road to recovery for members of churches which abuse and hurt members through this method of bondage. We, in the Caribbean, are not exempt from such false teachings like covering, the curse of false oaths, submission to authority a la Stewart, Morgan, Miller, Williamson, McCaw, and Cass Brown especially blatant is the proof texted and heretical doctrine of a CODE OF SILENCE regarding the GRAVE SINS OF LEADERSHIP especially espoused by REV.DR. PETER MORGAN to cover up the financial scams of REV. DR. PHILIP PHINN and other Charismatic and Evangelical Leaders (See Gen.9:v v.20-26 Compare I Tim.5:v v.10-21) and the undue and excessive power attributed to the Devil and demons popularized by myths for they are decidedly heretical and are considered to be the doctrines of demons. Unlike respected Charismatic leader Bob Mumford, to whom eternal kudos is due and who publicly repented for the damages some of the above mentioned doctrines have caused God’s sheep, as seen in the below mentioned letter of apology from MINISTRIES TODAY MAGAZINE on January-February 1990 issue written by Jamie Buckingham , as far as I am aware, none of these leaders have ever publicly repented for the damages they have caused many individuals and their families. Instead, they are still teaching these doctrines of demons. MUMFORD’S FORMAL REPENTANCE STATEMENT TO THE BODY OF CHRIST The following is the text of the Mumford apology: In 1974, Jack Hayford and two other brothers expressed concern about the concepts of discipleship. Others also gave similar counsel. While it was not my intention to be willful, I ignored their input to my own hurt and the injury of others. This statement of apology has two known motivations. First, I feel as though I have offended the Lord Himself, resulting in his resistance and continued conviction. Second, I am deeply convinced that only by stating the truth can those who have been adversely affected be healed and released. The following statement represents my personal convictions and I do not presume to speak for any other person. The independent part of the charismatic renewal was, in my opinion, much in need of the principles I taught in the early ‘70s, namely spiritual authority, discipleship and shepherding care. The absence of those needed biblical guidelines and loss of personal consecration were evident at that time. Predictably, the extremes and injuries began to appear where they always do, that is, in the widening gap between what was taught(orthodoxy or right doctrine) and what was actually happening (orthopraxy or right practice). The distortion and self-serving application were wrong and injurious. Accountability, personal training under the guidance of another, and effective pastoral care are needed biblical concepts. True spiritual maturity will require that they be preserved. These biblical realities must also carry the limits indicated by the New Testament. However, to my personal pain and chagrin, these particular emphases very easily lent themselves to an unhealthy submission resulting in perverse and unbiblical obedience to human leaders. Many of these abuses occurred within the sphere of my own responsibility. For the injury and shame caused to people, families and the larger body of Christ, I repent with sorrow and ask for your forgiveness. May I personally encourage everyone directly affected by these doctrines to re-examine how they are presently being applied. We all need the courage to take whatever steps necessary to return to a Christ-centered life. {Emphasis mine} Bob Mumford San Rafael, California In retrospect, one major mistake committed by the movers and shakers of Short Wood Teachers College was to invite so many competing ministries on the campus. Instead of keeping the mass hysteria under control before the media sensationalized it for their own financial gains. As a counselor with formal training, clinical and field experience in pastoral counseling, addiction therapy and ministering to the demonically oppressed, I am willing to assist anyone who has suffered from such hyper authoritarian abuse or in need of sane theologically based ministry regarding demonology and spiritual warfare. STAY THE HELL AWAY In closing, let me remind our young people that while the media is evidently making a concerted effort to depict the occult as fun, attractive and fashionable, there still is no spoon long enough to sup with the Devil. Stay the hell away from the occult. Stay clear away from occult movies/cartoons like Harry Potter, Para Norman, Frankinweenie, Charmed; Tarot Cards, Astrology, Halloween, Ouija Board, Cabbage Patch Dolls, Tea Leaf Reading and Kumina (Dancing with the Dead). VICTORY IN CHRIST OVER THE ACCUSER Brethren: By my God have I run through a troop and by my God have I leaped over a wall (Psalm 18:v.29).Understand and appreciate that: “No weapon formed against me shall prosper and every tongue which rises up against me I in judgment I will condemn for this is my heritage as a servant of the LORD and my righteousness is from God (Isaiah 54:v.17).” After this decisive victory at Short Wood Teachers College, I fear no evil whatsoever, however, determined and however formidable for JESUS, THE CHRIST, PUBLICLY DISARMED PRINCIPALITIES AND POWERS IN THE FULL VIEW OF STUDENTS, STAFF AND CURIOUS ONLOOKERS. © Copy Right 2013 by Carol Thompson, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED INTERNATIONAL COPY RIGHT SECURED by SHOFAR DAYSTAR MINISTRIES PUBLICATIONS
Posted on: Sun, 25 May 2014 01:39:03 +0000

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