Client recommendations Pam Cusack ADMINISTRATION at Citizen - TopicsExpress


Client recommendations Pam Cusack ADMINISTRATION at Citizen Advice Bureau “Neil helped me with my tribunal held at court for DLA on the 31st May 2013 which I won. Neil helped me with my submission and the entire form filling, of which there was plenty. I would certainly hire Neil again and would recommend him for employment in this area. Jane Preddy Former W2W adviser A4E “Neil is very clearly on top of the difficult and often daunting topic of disability and welfare rights. He gave me advice that was very detailed but at the same time clear and concise, and has very much boosted my confidence concerning a decision I need to make Dave Allen Logistical officer at Beecroft “My son has cerebral palsy and after several attempts to apply for DLA were unsuccessful (including the CAB) I contacted Neil as I had worked with him previously. Neil went through the criteria for the benefit and filled out the application. My son finds it difficult to discuss his condition with others but Neil’s approach was such that a connection was made and my son was able to give detailed explanations regarding his difficulties, even sensitive issues were discussed in such a way that my son found it easy to answer. I found Neils way of working easy going, conducted in a relaxed manner, and an ability to break down intrusive questions into simpler terms. He conducted the application at a pace my son was totally comfortable with and often lightened the mood with phrases to make the situation more relaxing for my son. The award was granted and now my son is able to access more support and I would not hesitate to recommend Neil to others and to any company that wishes to employ him DAVID SYCLEMORE M.P.S. CEO/CHAIRMAN UK VETERANS AFFAIRS LEAGUE “I have had occasion to call on Neil and his knowledge for clients on UK Veterans Affairs League. A main on-going concern for the organisation is providing accurate and up to date information for the members, who can often be suffering from a variety of challenges and are dependent on either welfare assistance or are facing reassessment of ATOS, appeals etc. They can be emotionally vulnerable or suffering from PTSD and are often confused by a complex system and suffering from medical conditions, and unable to understand or process the information. Neil has been invaluable with prompt and attentive input with an understanding and empathetic approach, culminating in excellent results for a vulnerable and deserving sector of society, and have no hesitation in recommending him for a suitable position in this sector Jo Garnham-Parks Director of Finance & Business Development at CapeUK “Neil provided me with support for a welfare tribunal. He was easy to work with and obviously had an in-depth knowledge of both the process and the detail of case law. He was supportive and fully briefed us in order for us to be prepared and interjected where needed during the tribunal questioning. I would have no hesitation in recommending Neil for this kind of work or other similar work where there is a fight to be fought I initially contacted Neil through the CAB in Sheffield after my claim for DLA was turned down on all points. Unfortunately a brain tumour and subsequent surgery and treatment had caused some care and mobility needs. Neil was very accommodating, squeezing an appointment in for me at the very last minute in order to be able to submit appeal papers. Neil was friendly, approachable and immediately put me at my ease. He meticulously went through every point in the rejection and composed a comprehensive and compelling appeal submission. Neil clearly had extensive experience of both appeal submissions and tribunals themselves. He talked through the process from thereon in. The tribunal took almost a year to be held. Once I received the court hearing papers I contacted CAB but unfortunately received no reply. I understand that due to funding cuts Neil’s post had been made redundant. Given timescales involved and to give the best chance of success I set about searching for an alternative representative. Fortunately (somehow!) I managed to find Neil through LinkedIn. I arranged to meet Neil and he talked me through the tribunal process in more detail, the likely questions as well as the process of his representation. Neil also answered a barrage of questions via email addressing a multitude of questions that were giving me cause for concern, making sure my husband and I were well prepared On the day of the tribunal Neil was calm and collected. At various points throughout the tribunal Neil interjected in proceedings in order to address and emphasise key points. I was incredibly pleased to win the appeal being awarded middle rate care and higher rate mobility, backdated to the date of submission. Without a doubt Neil was a major success factor in the success of this appeal. I would have no hesitation in recommending Neil for this kind of work. If you have any queries please feel free to contact me – [email protected] CLIVE BETTS MP 1st Floor, Barkers Pool House Burgess Street, SHEFFIELD SI 2HF Tel: 0114 - 2757788 Email: 14 December 2012 To Who It May Concern Letter of Recommendation - Neil Vaughan Neil Vaughan, having worked as a CAB advisor specialising in assisting clients with benefit problems, is currently assisting people on a free of charge, freelance basis, and has asked me for a letter of recommendation, which I am happy to provide. I have been aware of Neil’s work, which is of a very high standard, for several years and he has provided me with considerable information and general advice about the benefits system. In addition a number of my constituents have also benefited from Neils expertise. Neils knowledge of the benefits system, and in particular of the appeals process and the Work Capability Assessment, is second to none. Yours sincerely CLlVE BETTS Angela Clay re Neil Vaughan I was first put in touch with Neil Vaughan by the DPAC (Disabled People against Cuts) group after ATOS had declared me ‘fit to work’ after a WCA (Work Capability Assessment). I had worked for nearly thirty years as a ward nurse and later practice nurse in the NHS, but was ultimately retired on medical grounds in 2008. I have an inoperable spinal condition which makes it impossible for me to lift any significant weight or to stand for any length of time. Like many claimants I have good days and bad days and on a good day can put in a couple of hours light work, desk or counter or computer, but a couple of hours is it and on the bad days I’m good for nothing. So having been compulsorily retired after lengthy consultations in the NHS I was a little taken aback to be told I was ‘fit for work’ on the basis of a short barely relevant interview. In those days I had no idea how bad the system really was and almost assumed it had been a clerical error. So I decided I would appeal the decision. I had never taken part in any judicial type proceedings before so had no idea what to expect. I’m reasonably competent on the internet but despite much searching could find no guidance on how to approach the Appeals Tribunal, the very basics of procedure and expectations. After being fobbed off by officialdom I approached DPAC, who initially couldn’t help but then, put me in touch with Neil Vaughan. Neil was able to email me a document he had prepared earlier while working for the CAB. It was exactly what I needed outlining procedures on the day of the appeal, the roles of the participants and what would be expected from me. I was able to approach the day in a reasonably calm frame of mind having a reasonable understanding of what would be happening throughout the process. It’s worth commenting that as I waited with others for my hearing it was evident that most had no idea what to expect and were poorly prepared as a consequence. Neil’s document and advice made a significant difference to the way I dealt with things on the day, and to some degree contributed to my successful Appeal hearing. The ATOS decision was overturned and it was instructed that I should not be reassessed for 2 years. You might think that is the end of the story, but Neil came to my aid again later. After the appeal I was told the decision would be transmitted to the DWP and my benefits would be reinstated. Six weeks passed and nothing happened so I called the local DWP office. I was dealt with courteously and promised a resolution within the week. A fortnight passed and I rang again. This time I was told they were very busy and my turn would come and not to bother them. Ten weeks after the tribunal hearing I rang again and was told that notwithstanding the appeal outcome I had been reassessed and as my contribution based benefit period had now expired I would get nothing. I was still reeling from this (Why had I been to a Tribunal if my benefits were to expire anyway?) when I received two letters from the DWP one outlining my ‘back pay’ of benefits withheld and the other reinstating my payments going forward. The five or six page preformats that accompanied these letters left me utterly confused and uncertain as to whether I was entitled to the payments or not. Would I be called upon to return them at some future date, perhaps? Again I turned to Neil and with his background and experience of working in this field he was able to reassure me. I learnt that contrary decisions were not infrequent in the DWP’s corridors, but that once an inspector had reviewed and made an award based on a tribunal outcome it was very unlikely to be revoked. I would unhesitatingly recommend Neil Vaughan to anyone seeking guidance through the jungle that is the UK’s benefits and claims system. Angela Clay anjc59@hotmail 6th July 2013 Jon Power OBE Independent Government Administration Professional Last year I was unfortunate enough to suffer from some severe health disabilities. At the time, I was unaware of any help or assistance that might be available as I had never in the past sought or claimed any benefits or support from the State. When he became aware of my situation, Neil Vaughan provided me with all the advice and help I needed to understand and successfully claim an allowance. Without Neil’s help I would not have known that such support was available and certainly would not have been able to make a successful claim. I would recommend highly him for his knowledge and skills in this area
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 19:45:56 +0000

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