Cliff Woodards Hates Himself AGAIN Rant... Yesterday I posted a - TopicsExpress


Cliff Woodards Hates Himself AGAIN Rant... Yesterday I posted a rant entitled Why Cant We Shut The F**k Up? Its theme was about what I perceived as black folks inability remain quiet in the movie theater during the screening. Most readers found the rant humorous (as you shouldve and as it was intended) but some found it offensive. And Ive noticed its the same ones who get bothered whenever I write about the misdeeds and foibles of African-Americans. My friend Michael Joseph deemed it self-hate, as do others whenever I dare to cast aspersions on the black race. My other friends Pearlette Ramos, Liza Jones, Warren McAlpine and Berlinda Good—all members of the Suburban Defense League—dropped in comments educating me that white people talk in movies too. No kidding? Really? But what I find so ridiculous EVERY time I post on black people, Ive said ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that hasnt been talked about, laughed about, or discussed at our barber shops, beauty salons, backyard cookouts and family reunions. Yet, you act all brand new because I say it in public. The serious aspect of my rants is usually couched in humor. However I am far from the only person walking Gods green earth that muses racially. James Demps came to my rescue when he cited two outstanding comedians—Chris Rock and Jerry Seinfeld—both of whom frequently address stereotypes from within their respective communities. But when I do it, I get lambasted. So did Brad Ausmus earlier this summer. What I DONT understand, is where does one sign up for a comedian license? Is there some test one has to take? Who decided that if a comedian makes an observation, its okay. Its just fine. Its even funny. But if someone who isnt a professional comedian says THE EXACT SAME THING, an hour later hes apologizing to anyone with a pulse. I missed that meeting. I didnt get a vote. Because this is just plain stupid. In a conversation between Mr. Joseph and Mr. Demps, Mr. Joseph writes: READ the posts James...The posts labeled Black People and not in the context of a comedy routine. So Michael, if I were Chris Rock and said it, that would be okay? Well you know what? He did. In 1996. Not that I was ripping off the brother when I wrote the rant yesterday—because Im old and clearly forgot that for eight seconds, he said something eerily similar—but he got a standing ovation. All I got was consternation. I edited a snippet from the segment Black People vs. Niggers and included it below, but the entire clip is worth watching, just to see how black people can laugh at and about each other. Heres the link: vimeo/79811169 Personally Michael, I think you exhibit signs of self-hate when you automatically become defensive over something said publicly that we typically keep privately. You become sensitive and defensive. Are you worried about what white people would think about us because I said it? Do you honestly think that rant changed ANYBODYS perception of the African-American community? Then youre not giving the white folk youre scared of their due credit. The intelligent ones already know black people talk during movies. At least the ones who go to integrated theaters (that was a joke for the uninformed). But Im sure they also have experienced their own doing it too. Theyre too smart to read my rant and run off thinking See Martha, I told ya! However, the ones that watch Fox News now have a black person I suppose, that has verified every racist thought theyve ever held inside their closed mind, and theyre now clutching their shotgun a little bit closer to their chest. So Ive changed NOTHING. Including your mind Im so sure. But you know what? Im an equal opportunity grouch. I unwittingly cracked on dumb blondes Sunday and got in trouble with someone. I noticed Michael you didnt come to the defense of Americas blondes. What I believe is that if youre over there conducting yourself in a clean, decent and respectable manner, and Im over here doing the same, who the f**k cares what ANYBODY else has to say or chooses to think? They will look at you and refuse to believe the hype. Thats self-love my brother. This right here? This is self-entertainment. It just happens to be enjoyed by others. But when we become afraid of what some other culture thinks about us, because one member paints a broad brush of us, thats not saying much about us. There. I said it.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 16:07:37 +0000

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