Climate Change Reconsidered is the comprehensive skeptical - TopicsExpress


Climate Change Reconsidered is the comprehensive skeptical response to the global warming bibles produced by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) of the United Nations, on which the policies of President Obama and his Administration are based. The fundamental argument of the IPCC is grounded on dozens of climate models projecting future global temperatures a hundred years or more into the future, contending that these temperature trends cannot be explained except by the human contribution of so-called greenhouse gases, primarily carbon dioxide. But the fundamental problem with the argument is that these climate models have not been validated! That means the models cannot be predict the past, let alone the future. Such models are consequently at this point not science, but made up fantasy. The projections of these models are diverging more and more from actual temperature trends, a point driven home in a highly illuminating graph produced by Dr. John Christy of the University of Alabama at Huntsville, which plays a central role in NASA’s satellite monitoring of global atmospheric temperatures. None of these models predicted the past 15 years of flat global temperatures, let alone the global cooling since 2002, or the further cooling in coming decades that is now increasingly predicted by scientists internationally. But President Obama insisted in his global warming hysteric speech at Georgetown that 97% of scientists agree with him. That PR spin statistic comes from a survey of 77 arbitrarily selected scientists, asking them whether they believed that humans have contributed to global warming, a position embraced by the Heartland Institute and the contributors to Climate Change Reconsidered as well. So anyone who cites that meaningless statistic is actively trying to mislead you. It is effectively a brown shirt tactic attempting to cut off any further debate, which is profoundly anti-science, anti-democratic, and beneath the office of President of the United States. For the 31,487 American scientists, including 9,029 with PhDs, who have signed the petition disclaiming any belief in potentially catastrophic, human caused, global warming, the debate continues. But belief in catastrophic, human-caused, global warming is not based on science any way. President Obama, the editorialists of the New York Times and the Washington Post, the Sierra Club and the National Resources Defense Council, etc. do not believe in global warming because they have been reading the peer-reviewed scientific literature. None of them have read any of it. People who believe in catastrophic anthropogenic global warming do so because psychologically they want to believe in it! There are two fundamental reasons for that desire, or need to believe: money and power. So-called liberals, and their Marxist fellow travelers, believe in more government power because they believe that can be used for good in the world. If catastrophic anthropogenic global warming is true, that would justify a massive expansion of government power, over energy production, the economy, even over your personal consumption, in the privacy of your own home (see, e.g., “smart” thermostats, which are a thoroughly Orwellian concept extending government control over daily life in your private residence). So QED, they believe in it. They don’t need no stinkin, peer-reviewed literature to reach that conclusion.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 04:46:55 +0000

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