Climate Change is a very big topic at Davos this year and rightly - TopicsExpress


Climate Change is a very big topic at Davos this year and rightly so. It is the single most important topic of our lifetimes as it affects our very survival as a species, as well as the survival of many other species. Lord Stern is trying to persuade finance ministers that tackling climate change should be a top priority. Global temperatures are set to be 4-5C higher in the next century and governments are fooling themselves if they think this will only have a modest impact on their economies, says Stern Firstly, governments do not have to make a trade-off between growth and preventing climate change. On the contrary, action to slow global warming could result in a period of discovery, innovation and investment. The idea that green technologies could provide the next great leap forward for the global economy is a compelling one. Over the past 250 years, there have been long upswings driven by new technology: from textiles in the mid-18th century to consumer durables after the second world war. Stern says that new innovations to tackle climate change might well dovetail with breakthroughs in other sectors – IT and biotechnology – to create the next wave.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 15:02:48 +0000

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