Climategate 2.0 is here! (Last updated at 02:01 am on 12-05) - TopicsExpress


Climategate 2.0 is here! (Last updated at 02:01 am on 12-05) posted by .. Junkscience More devastating Climategate e-mails were released today. We’ve covered juicy ones in the posts listed below. More on the way. Read ‘em all. They validate EVERYTHING the skeptics have been saying. Viva les sceptiques! ◾Tom Wigley may be a true believer ◾Stretching to the truly bizarre ◾Briffa — Current warming ‘probably matched about 1000 years ago’ ◾Hughes — hokey stick should be treated with ‘considerable caution’ ◾Mann persistents in soliciting Monbiot to slam ‘Great Global Warming Swindle’ ◾Wahl helps enviros prepare for Congressional testimony ◾Schmidt — Make data available in ‘impenetrable-as-possible form’ ◾Wigley to Briffa: ‘Are you hiding something?’ ◾Greenpeace wants to ‘invest’ in East Anglia ◾Greenpeace hires East Anglia scientists pre-Kyoto ◾Jones, Briffa say Mann, hokey stick ‘on dodgy ground’ ◾Mann bid to be science ‘gatekeeper’ is ‘amazingly arrogant’ ◾Even alarmists think Hansen is over the top ◾‘[Mann] did pad his data a little’, says Jones ◾Wigley — ‘Quantifying climate sensitivity cannot be done’ ◾Mann suggests Harvard take action against Soon, Baliunas ◾Mann’s ‘unpleasantness’ and ‘suspect’ statistics ◾‘We know f***-all’ ◾Mann works with Environmental Defense Fund to edit, place op-ed ◾Wigley for secret science ◾Mann lives in a glass house, says Cook ◾Shocker — 2007 NRC review of hokey stick rigged by alarmists ◾ Revkin flirts with skepticism ◾Mann to Revkin — Use me but don’t quote me ◾Mann calls Swindle producer a ‘right wing hack’ ◾Revkin told freezing and melting alarm not a good PR combo ◾Mann and ‘moral incumbency’ ◾Briffa gets to review his own work? ◾Revkin — ‘paint human-pushed warming as an urgent imperative’ ◾Mann’s allies — Revkin, Science, Environmental Defense ◾Revkin ‘trusted’ by the alarmists ◾Alarmist to Revkin: ‘Why quote Fred Singer?’ ◾Jones wants Nobel certificate suitable for framing ◾Mann projects to Revkin ◾Revkin looks to cherrypick best alarmist data for commentary ◾Mann seeks Revkin help against hokey stick critics ◾Revkin volunteers for alarmist damage control ◾Revkin works for the alarmists ◾Revkin says Inhofe speaks for the stupid ◾Wigley suggests a ‘front’ author for Science, Nature commentary ◾Briffa suggests phony ‘independent’ audit of hockey stick ◾No data sharing for Jones ◾Wigley, Harvey trying intimidating journal editor ◾Snarking (Part 2) — Schellnhuber avenged! ◾Snarking: Top German climate scientist gets OBE for ‘spouting bullsh**’ ◾Jones says media, especially BBC, has alarmist bias ◾Wigley knows why paleo-reconstructions are junk science ◾Jones says 2-degree C limit ‘plucked out of thin air’ ◾Alarmists looked to ally with Goldman Sachs ◾Climategate 2.0: Phil Jones complains about omnipresent deniers ◾Ducking confrontation on ‘Great Global Warming Swindle’ ◾Alarmist introspection admits dishonesty on hockey stick ◾Jones laments blogsites as allowing deniers to find one another ◾Systematic deletion of e-mails ◾How Phil Jones misleads journalists ◾Santer angry over not being able to silence skeptics ◾Mann says true temp anomaly not known well ◾Silence of the alarmists ◾Wigley accuses ‘Mike’, other IPCC-ers of deception, dishonesty ◾Spun science isn’t going to end well ◾Department of Energy involved in hiding temperature data? ◾Jones advises e-mail deletion to avoid FOIA ◾Mann says Curry not helping ‘the cause’ ◾‘All models wrong’ ◾IPCC models not worth a darn ◾Hulme hired to be the hand of God ◾Praying for the ‘Day After Tomorrow’ to work ◾Catholicism an ‘extreme’ religion? ◾Mann a dead-ender ◾Mann paper slammed by colleague as ‘pathetic’ ◾‘Hockey stick’ debunking confirmed ◾Hide the dissent ◾Feelings more important than truth ◾Kjellén has a better name for global warming ◾Jones bans dissent on extreme weather ◾Medieval Warm Period tough to erase ◾Mann said skeptics ‘losing’ ◾Climategate 2.0?
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 01:37:52 +0000

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