Clinical Application Quiz 1 Open - TopicsExpress


Clinical Application Quiz 1 Open Resource Name:__________________________ 1. How might events that follow a chemical imbalance in a heart muscle cell support the view that all levels of organization within an organism are interdependent? A chemical imbalance in a heart muscle cell would disrupt tissue function, and this could affect the ability of the heart to pump blood. This compromises the cardiovascular system, and other tissues and organs will soon stop functioning, with potentially fatal results. This is a good example of how all level sof organization within an organism are interdependent. A disruption at the cellular level affects the tissue, the organ that contains the tissue, the body system that contains the organ, and finally the organism as a whole. 2. A child born with a severe cleft palate may require surgery to repair the nasal cavity and reconstruct the roof of the mouth. What body systems are affected by the cleft palate? Also, studies of other mammals that develop cleft palates have helped us to understand the origins and treatment of such problems. What anatomical specialties are involved in identifying and correcting a cleft palate? The body systems affected would include: digestive, respiratory, and skeletal systems. The anatomical specialties involved include surface anatomy, regional anatomy studies, systemic anatomy, comparative anatomy, and developmental anatomy. 3. Analysis of a glandular secretion indicates that it contains some DNA, RNA, and membrane components such as phospholipids. What kind of secretion is this and why? it is a holocrine secretion. Holocrine is the only secretion that releases DNA. DNA is only located in a nucleus and when a holocrine secretion occurs its due to a rupture of the cell. 4. During a laboratory examination, a student examines a tissue section that is composed of many parallel, densely packed protein fibers. There are no nuclei or striations, and there is no evidence of other cellular structures. The student identifies the tissue as skeletal muscle. Why is the student’s choice wrong, and what tissue is being observed? Dense regular connective tissue is being observe. The student is wrong because there is either 1 or more nuclei in skeletal muscle. Dense regular has wavy lines which are collagen fibers, strong filamentous fibers produced by fibroblast 5. What type of epithelium would you expect to find lining the alveoli (air sacs) in the lungs? Simple squamous epithelium. 6. Develop a two-step scheme that can be used to identify the three different muscle types. First, identify if there is striation. Second identify if there is intercalated disk. 7. In a Condition called sunstroke, the victim appears flushed, the skin is warm and dry, and the body temperature rises dramatically. Explain these observations based on what you know concerning the role of the skin in thermo regulation. you stop producing sweat to stop from being dehydrated... 8. Exposure to optimum amounts of sunlight is necessary for proper bone maintenance and growth in children. How does sunlight promote bone maintenance and growth? vitamin D is perhaps the most important to calcium absorption, and is thus critical to the maintenance of strong, healthy bones. 9. Many medications can be administered transdermally by applying patches that contain the medication to the surface of the skin. These patches can be attached anywhere on the skin except the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet. Why? The palms of the hands and the soles of the feet have an extra layer in the epidermis, the stratum lucidum. The presence of this extra layer slows down the rate of diffusion of the medication and significantly decreases its effectiveness. 10. A 28 year old model is concerned about a year-old scar on her abdomen. There is practically no scar from the appendix operation done when she was 12 years old, but the scar from last year’s gallbladder surgery is enlarged, rough and discolored. The appendectomy scar is small and runs obliquely on the inferior abdominal surface and the scar is indistinct. By contrast, the gallbladder scar is large, lumpy and runs at a right angle to the long axis of the body trunk. Explain why the scars are so different. The key is the direction of the cut. A cut at right angles cut thru the muscle fibers. The other cut went in the direction of the muscles not cutting thru them 11. The nurse is assigned to care for a female client with full thickness burns over ¼ of her body. What characteristics would the nurse expect to be of most urgency to assess in this client? 12. Systemic lupus is an inflammation of the body’s connective tissues. Would lupus have widespread or localized effects within the body; and why? WIDESPREAD Lupus is an autoimmune disease. Normally, your immune system can tell the difference between your own tissues and foreign invaders, such as bacteria or viruses. The immune system produces antibodies that target bacteria, viruses, and other abnormal substances for destruction. But in an autoimmune disease, the body’s immune system mistakes healthy tissues and organs as dangerous invaders in the body and attacks them. This results in chronic inflammation that can eventually damage and destroy the affected tissues and organs. 13. You are mowing the lawn on an extremely hot, sunny summer afternoon. How does the integumentary system cool the body during this activity? skin acts as the temperature regulation mechanism for the body while engaged in strenuous physical activity. Skin disperses body heat by radiation, convection, conduction and evaporation, but as the ambient air temperature and humidity surrounding the athlete increase, the cooling function shifts dominantly to the evaporative effects of sweating.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Jun 2013 18:14:54 +0000

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