Clinton Chooses The Cash With The Start Of 2015, There’s No - TopicsExpress


Clinton Chooses The Cash With The Start Of 2015, There’s No Sign Of Clinton On The Campaign Trail – But She’s Still Padding Her Income On The Money Trail View The Re-Launched “Poor Hillary” Website: PoorHillaryClinton Clinton Is Showing Signs That She Will Postpone An Official Decision On Whether She’ll Make Another Run For The White House. “Hillary Rodham Clinton is considering the nitty-gritty details of how and when to organize a presidential campaign amid signs that she will postpone making her shadow campaign official until later in 2015 than expected, according to advisers and Democratic strategists.” (Anne Gearan and Matea Gold, “Hillary Clinton Begins Weighing Details Of A 2016 Bid, With A Spring Announcement Likely,” The Washington Post, 12/11/14) Politico Headline: “Hillary Hesitates” (Maggie Haberman and James Hohmann, “Hillary Hesitates,” Politico, 12/3/14) “Clinton Has Added A Paid Speech To Her Calendar In Mid-March, Complicating The Time-Frame” For A 2016 Announcement. “Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has added a paid speech to her calendar in mid-March, complicating the time-frame for when she might announce a potential second run for the presidency. On March 19, Clinton will give the keynote address at a conference organized by the New York and New Jersey chapter of the American Camp Association. The conference bills itself as the largest gathering of camp professionals in the world.” (Alex Seitz-Wald, “Hillary Clinton Adds Paid Speech In March, Complicating 2016 Timeline,” MSNBC, 12/16/14) Clinton Is “Content To Take Her Time To Formally Announce” And Her Paid Speaking Schedule “Suggests She’s Looking At A Later Spring Announcement.” “While several leading Democratic strategists advised that Clinton waste no time before launching her campaign, shes content to take her time to formally announce. Former Obama campaign manager David Plouffe suggested that she announce early to get ahead of her critics on the Republican side, many of whom are already sniping at her. But the holidays have come and gone with no announcement from Clinton, and her speaking schedule—which includes an event as late as March 19—suggests shes looking at a later spring announcement.” (Emily Schultheis, “Nine Questions For Hillary Clinton In 2015,” National Journal, 12/23/14) AS CLINTON PUTS OFF HER ANNOUNCEMENT TO CONTINUE HER SPEAKING TOUR, LIBERALS ARE LINING UP TO FILL THE VOID “There Are Several Potential Democratic Candidates Who Could Appeal To Portions Of The Party’s Liberal Base…” “There are several potential Democratic candidates who could appeal to portions of the party’s liberal base, including former senator Jim Webb (Va.), Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley and Sen. Bernard Sanders (I-Vt.). Many progressives also are urging a bid by Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), whose populist anti-Wall Street message draws large crowds.” (Anne Gearan, “Hillary Clinton Looks To Shore Up Support On The Left,” The Washington Post, 12/25/14) Iowa’s Democrat Leadership Is “So Far Reluctant To Coalesce Behind” Clinton, Voicing Concerns About Her Electability, And Are Urging Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) And Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) To Enter The Race. “Interviews with more than half of Democratic chiefs in Iowa’s 99 counties show a state party leadership so far reluctant to coalesce behind Mrs. Clinton. County Democratic officials also voiced qualms about Mrs. Clinton’s ability to win a general election and her fundraising ties to Wall Street firms and corporations, which remain a target of liberal ire. Many county officials said they would like to see senators including Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Bernie Sanders of Vermont enter the race, though they were split over whether any could gain traction and overtake Mrs. Clinton.” (Reid J. Epstein and Peter Nicholas, “Top Iowa Democrats Slow To Rally Around Hillary Clinton,” The Wall Street Journal, 1/4/15) Iowa Democrat County Chair Tom Swartz On Clinton: “There’s Always The Nagging Feeling That Her Ship May Have Sailed.” “Tom Swartz, who heads the Marshall County Democrats, said he wanted to learn more about Ms. Warren, Mr. Sanders and former Sen. Jim Webb of Virginia, who has set up a committee exploring a presidential run. He suggested Mrs. Clinton’s best chance may have come and gone. ‘There’s always the nagging feeling that her ship may have sailed,’ he said.” (Reid J. Epstein and Peter Nicholas, “Top Iowa Democrats Slow To Rally Around Hillary Clinton,” The Wall Street Journal, 1/4/15) Democrat County Chair Jennifer Herrington: “My Heart Wouldn’t Be In It For Hillary To The Extent That It Might Be If It Was A Different Candidate.” “‘My heart wouldn’t be in it for Hillary to the extent that it might be if it was a different candidate,’ said Jennifer Herrington, chair of the Page County Democrats in southwest Iowa. ‘I admire Hillary, she’d be a great president, but you know, she isn’t my first choice I guess.’” (Reid J. Epstein and Peter Nicholas, “Top Iowa Democrats Slow To Rally Around Hillary Clinton,” The Wall Street Journal, 1/4/15) “Many Progressives Also Are Urging A Bid By Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Whose Populist Anti-Wall Street Message Draws Large Crowds.” (Anne Gearan, “Hillary Clinton Looks To Shore Up Support On The Left,” The Washington Post, 12/25/14) While Warren Says She Isn’t “Running For President,” Her Answer Is “Anything But” Definitive, As She “Always Answers The Presidential Query In The Present Tense And Assiduously Avoids Any Deviation That Might Rule Out A Future Bid.” “In a Monday morning interview with NPR, the first-term Massachusetts Democrat was asked four different variations of the same query: Would she consider running for president in 2016? In each instance, Warren answered the same way she has whenever someone wants to know if she harbors White House ambitions: ‘I am not running for president.’ That statement may sound like a Shermanesque denial at first blush, but placed in its proper context, it is anything but. As NPR’s Steve Inskeep and many other observers have noticed, Warren always answers the presidential query in the present tense and assiduously avoids any deviation that might rule out a future bid. Warren may not be ‘running for president’ at the moment, but neither is anyone else, for that matter.” (Scott Conroy, “Warren Won’t Rule Out 2016 As Draft Movement Gears Up,” Real Clear Politics, 12/16/14) AND AS DETAILS EMERGED OVER CLINTON’S LAVISH DEMANDS FOR HER SPEECHES, SHE CONTINUES TO FACE CRITICISM AND QUESTIONS SURROUNDING HER ECONOMIC MESSAGE As 2016 Approaches, “Some Are Wondering Whether The Exacting Requirements And Hefty Price Tags Attached To Her Speeches Could Undermine A Campaign Message Focused On Economic Populism And Middle Class Opportunity.” “But as Clinton approaches a potential 2016 presidential bid, some are wondering whether the exacting requirements and hefty price tags attached to her speeches could undermine a campaign message focused on economic populism and middle class opportunity.” (Jake Miller, “Behind The Scenes Of Hillary Clinton’s $300,000 Speech At UCLA,” CBS News, 11/28/14) The Washington Post: “Today, The Clintons Are Millionaires Who Have Been Living The Life Of An Ex-First Family For A Decade And A Half.” (Zachary A. Goldfarb, “The Holes In The Clinton Economic Record That Should Worry Hillary,” The Washington Post, 5/1/14) According To Reports, Clinton Is Paid At Least $200,000 Per Speech And Has Been Paid As Much As $300,000. “Hillary Clinton is making gobs of it these days. UCLA paid her $300,000 for a speech in March. She is making millions off the publication of her new book. Private companies and trade groups are paying her a reported $200,000 per speech.” (Peter Nicholas, “Why Hillary Clinton Wants Big Speaking Fees,” The Wall Street Journal, 6/30/14) Clinton Has Been Paid Hundreds Of Thousands Of Dollars By At Least 8 Universities, “Sparking A Backlash From Some Student Groups And Teachers At A Time Of Austerity In Higher Education.” “At least eight universities, including four public institutions, have paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for Hillary Rodham Clinton to speak on their campuses over the past year, sparking a backlash from some student groups and teachers at a time of austerity in higher education.” (Philip Rucker and Rosalind S. Helderman, “At Time Of Austerity, 8 Universities Spent Top Dollar On Hillary Rodham Clinton Speeches,” The Washington Post, 7/2/14) A Look Inside Clinton’s Speaking Tour Shows That She Demands Star Treatment For Her Appearances “It Is Commonplace For Celebrity Speakers To Request Special Accommodations — And Clinton Was No Exception.” (Rosalind S. Helderman and Philip Rucker, “Plans For UCLA Visit Give Rare Glimpse Into Hillary Clinton’s Paid Speaking Career,” The Washington Post, 11/26/14) “Decades In Power, Millions Of Dollars In Wealth And A Private-Jet Lifestyle Have Reshaped The Clinton Brand.” “But decades in power, millions of dollars in wealth and a private-jet lifestyle have reshaped the Clinton Brand. This was highlighted by her stubbed toe during the summer book tour about being “dead broke” upon leaving the White House, an interview she gave amid dozens of paid speeches for more than $200,000 each.” (John F. Harris and Maggie Haberman, “Clinton Brand: Centrist Populism To Celebrity,” Politico, 10/2/14) “Hillary Clinton’s Speech Demands: Lemons, Hummus, $300,000” (David Knowles, “Hillary Clintons Speech Demands: Lemons, Hummus, $300,000,” Bloomberg, 11/30/14) For Speaking Engagements, Clinton Requires “Diet Ginger Ale, Crudité, Hummus, And Sliced Fruit,” And Specified “Onstage Refreshments.” “A team at the Harry Walker Agency, a speakers bureau handling Clintons appearance, requested snacks in the green room (‘diet ginger ale, crudité, hummus, and sliced fruit,’ they wrote in an email obtained by the Washington Post.)” (Jake Miller, “Behind The Scenes Of Hillary Clinton’s $300,000 Speech At UCLA,” CBS News, 11/28/14) Clinton’s Team “Asked For A Case Of Still Water, Room Temperature, To Be Deposited Stage Right.” “It is commonplace for celebrity speakers to request special accommodations — and Clinton was no exception. Her representatives asked for a case of still water, room temperature, to be deposited stage right.” (Rosalind S. Helderman and Philip Rucker, “Plans For UCLA Visit Give Rare Glimpse Into Hillary Clinton’s Paid Speaking Career,” The Washington Post, 11/26/14) Clinton Representatives Even “Specified The Type Of Chair Clinton Should Be Sitting In During Part Of Her Appearance, And The Type Of Pillows To Be Placed On That Chair.” “They specified the type of chair Clinton should be sitting in during part of her appearance, and the type of pillows to be placed on that chair (long and rectangular, with an additional pillow backstage for added support, if needed.)” (Jake Miller, “Behind The Scenes Of Hillary Clinton’s $300,000 Speech At UCLA,” CBS News, 11/28/14) “Clinton’s Fee Usually Includes Expenses Such As Travel By Private Jet, Other Transportation, Hotel Rooms, Phone Charges, A Teleprompter, If Needed, And All Meals And ‘Incidentals’ For Her And Her Staff.” (Laura Myers, “High Fashion, Expense For Hillary Travel,” Las Vegas Review-Journal, 8/16/14) Clinton Also “Insists On Staying In The ‘Presidential Suite’ Of Luxury Hotels That She Chooses…” “She insists on staying in the ‘presidential suite’ of luxury hotels that she chooses anywhere in the world, including Las Vegas. She usually requires those who pay her six-figure fees for speeches to also provide a private jet for transportation — only a $39 million, 16-passenger Gulfstream G450 or larger will do.” (Laura Myers, “High Fashion, Expense For Hillary Travel,” Las Vegas Review-Journal, 8/16/14) THE CLINTONS AREN’T JUST RACKING UP A TAB ON THE SPEAKING CIRCUIT – THEY COST DEMOCRAT CAMPAIGNS OVER $1.5 MILLION LAST YEAR ALONE “Campaigns And Political Committees Spent More Than $1.5 Million On Private Jets To Fly Bill And Hillary Clinton In To Stump For Various Candidates During The 2014 Midterms, Campaign Filings Show.” (Maggie Haberman, “Bill And Hillary Clintons Midterm Travel Expenses Top $1.5 Million,” Politico, 12/19/14) Campaigns And Political Committees Reported “More Than 60 Payments” To New York-Based Executive Fliteways Throughout The 2014 Cycle. “More than 60 payments were made to a New York-based company called Executive Fliteways over the course of 2013 and 2014, a review of FEC records, campaign filings and state parties found.” (Maggie Haberman, “Bill And Hillary Clintons Midterm Travel Expenses Top $1.5 Million,” Politico, 12/19/14) The Clintons’ Candidates Faced An “Overwhelming Wipeout” On Election Day The Clintons Were “The Most Sought After Democratic Surrogates Of The Midterm Cycle.” “As President Obama’s poll numbers plummet, with an approval rating that remains in the low 40’s, Bill and Hillary Clinton have become the most sought after Democratic surrogates of the midterm cycle for candidates trying to woo voters – and raise money.” (Liz Kreutz and Kirsten Appleton, “The Adventures Of Bill And Hill: Where The Clintons Hit The Trail In 2014,” ABC News, 10/28/14) But The 2014 Midterms Were An “Overwhelming Wipeout - Of The Clinton-Backed Candidates In The Closest Senate Races.” “But it was a overwhelming wipeout - of the Clinton-backed candidates in the closest Senate races, only Shaheen hung on.” (Seung Min Kim, How The Clintons Candidates Did (Not Well), Politico, 11/5/14) MSNBC’s Al Sharpton: “Bill Clinton And Hillary Clinton, The Cavalry Is Coming In. Well, The Cavalry Got Beat. Was This A Clinton Defeat?” (MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” 11/6/14)
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 04:28:06 +0000

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