Cllr Mark Connolly HOUSING ALLOCATIONS POLICY CHANGING SOON! Wiltshires new housing allocations policy will start to come into effect on 9 December. The present bandings will disappear, with those on the present Bronze banding being taken off the list, as will certain other groups, such as those who have no connection to Wiltshire. This will significantly reduce the numbers on the housing register from the c20,000 presently listed. With only 2000 properties let via Homes4Wiltshire each year, we need to ensure that housing goes to those in the greatest need. Those currently on the Bronze banding can decide to express an interest in other forms of housing under the Open Market Register. These options will not include general needs housing but will include, private rented accommodation, Low Cost Home Ownership, Shared Ownership/Homebuy or properties in low demand that clients on the housing register have not bid for. The main piece of good news is that housing will be given to people who have a strong local connection to Tidworth (person who has lived or is employed in the Town, or close relatives in the Town). The new bandings will see those who have a statutory requirement for a property being top of the list, those who under occupy properties being second priority (to allow families to move into larger houses and help those affected by the Bedroom Tax) and then two other bandings for those in temporary, overcrowded accommodation, shared facilities, Armed Forces (who are not in the higher bands) and medical/welfare cases. I believe this will be a great improvement on the present system and will hopefully ensure that local people will get a better chance of getting local housing.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 22:08:11 +0000

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