Close Up Session With Dr. Azzam Tamimi [Topic: The Future of - TopicsExpress


Close Up Session With Dr. Azzam Tamimi [Topic: The Future of Muslim Brotherhood] Stayed back in office last Thursday and straightly attended the session jointly organised by GENTRA, STRATA & PACE. A wonderful insight into the current struggle of the Muslim Brotherhood in restoring the Egyptians faith towards them and the change they bring together after the fall of President Morsi by the coup lead by Fatah As-Sisi. Had the opportunity to meet prominent personalities especially the youth fronts whom are actively playing and contributing a major role towards the upbringing of our society today. Salient points from the session: 1. If you are wondering where is the Muslim Brotherhood/Ikhwan Muslimin (IM), then the answer is “they will always be there (Egypt)” - which shows that the fight against the coup and the injustice towards democracy is still continuing. The students and youth are still staging demonstrations against the junta on the streets and campuses. 2. IM current mursyid (chairman) Muhammad Mahdi Akef, has been put behind bars earlier on before his arrest after the coup when he was 20 years old. But imprisoning the body alone cannot kill the idea (fikrah). This bravery and idea was passed on to the next generation and is a continuos cycle. The idea remains and will never die. 3. We have to reevaluate our parameters on evaluating failure and success of a movement based on idea. Other revolutions (given example of the French Revolution; which took hundred years to achieve) would take ages with success and failure repeating after another..but will eventually end in great success. (Morsi being over thrown is just another step towards the goal). 4. The change we bring is not being in power. BUT rather bringing/carrying the people with the change. And truly, the people of Egypt was not ready for change although they were the ones who initiated the call against Mubarak. 5. This revolution is far from over. It is a project to return islam to the society. A project that uses democracy as it’s vehicle. Thus democracy is not to blame. those who abuse it are. 6. After the coup, a new alliance has emerged; israel - egypt - saudi - UAE - jordan to go against the IM and HAMAS as it’s fraction in Gaza. An alliance never before shown clearly and their stand towards Palestine. 7. A new government could be peacefully be elected after Morsi, but the coup chose to use BULLETS rather than the BALLOT BOX. This just shows that IM are the defender of human rights, democracy and just. 8. The birth of IS/ISIS/ISIL/daish is an after effect due to the frustration of the young men and women who see all doors to a peaceful change has been shut right in their face after the fall of President Morsi. If you close a peaceful mechanism, then retaliation is bound to happen. We put away the theory conspiracy of IS being a propaganda by the US. What is the way forward? 1. People in Sinai are saying that they received better treatment under the israel occupation than any other time afterwards especially under As-Sisi. it’s sad that we have arab leaders who are uglier than the israel who took Palestine from us and denying their basic needs. 2. IM biggest weapon & best policy is PEACE. and IM will continue this struggle for change with a peaceful manner. the rise and fall of IM is just another cycle of a lot more cycles in the future. 3. We must equipt ourselves with enough resources because those planning on to take over islam are very well prepared. 4. There will always be people of opposite sides. those who defend just and are oppressed and the other are the injustice and the oppressor. Choose wisely. 5. A positive outcome of the support in recognising Palestine as a state by the UK Parliament is not just a support. but a change in opinion as we can see from the speeches given by the MP’s on that day. Please check them out. Conclusion: 1. Someone has to pay the price after the revolution. and who else but this our generation. 2. What happened now, has happened before and will happen in the future. 3. IM is the salvation the ummah has for it’s wassatiyah approach. What we need to focus now is the injustice that happened. 4. You can’t have a reconciliation between two different means of movement. One story that Dr Azam Tamimi shared was about an IM leader before he joined the muslim brotherhood that really struck me and should be a good motivation for my generation in bringing ourselves up to the standard where our society can truly depend on us as leaders of tomorrow. “you can live peacefully, feed your livestock, go to work daily and back home…but is this what Allah has created you for?” QayyimH #sharing #youth #azamtamimi #MalaysiaMenujuNegaraRahmah
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 20:46:24 +0000

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