Close the door to witchcraft and don’t let manipulation, - TopicsExpress


Close the door to witchcraft and don’t let manipulation, intimidation and control, overtake your will!! Many people are being forced out of fear to do things that are against not only their will but the will of God for their lives. You are not a puppet control by the words and actions of people!! You shall not have fear of man that breathes out threats or speaks word curses against you because you won’t allow them to control you. The Lord is on your side you shall not fear what man shall do unto you!! People, stop allowing people to speak evil over your life because they are upset with you and want to control your life. Pastors trying to curse members and members trying to curse the pastors; people trying to manipulate and control people for finances; prophets lying to make merchandise out of the people; apostles trying to control the people and become an idol and god to them, wanting them to bow down and worship them like they are God. Controlling spirits, trying to use the Word as a weapon against the people! God is breaking the stronghold of witchcraft Jezebel and Pharaoh off the people. Some of you feel the suffocation and the chain of the enemy, but many of you, it is because you have connected to these spirits because you didn’t seek God, but you ran after the gifts of those false prophets and apostles!! A large portion of warfare that is coming against you is because you have entertain them and sowed into them which has formed a covenant and connection with the evil that they operate in. It’s time to repent and renounce your involvement with these evil works so that these chains of bondage shall be destroyed. Because the people are lazy and won’t pray and seek God for themselves and many of them have secret sins of which they won’t repent and get delivered from. They have gotten caught up in these works. God don’t need you seeking out one hundred prophets trying to get a Word! If you get on your face and seek God and form a relationship with Him learn His voice so you will know when it’s Him speaking. You won’t be deceived and drawn into the falseness and evil of unrighteous and unholy vessels that are sucking many into their wicked ways!!!..
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 02:52:01 +0000

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