Close your eyes for just 10 seconds... Take a few shots on things - TopicsExpress


Close your eyes for just 10 seconds... Take a few shots on things that happened this year... Now make a 2 minute movie of these shots... You will find out that your life is too short.... Think about people you knew.....about people who left you....about persons who died You think life is worth it that much... ????!!!! Of course not.... Now open up your eyes....look at it from a true view Stop envying....stop being so jealous....stop being a hypocrite.....stop lying.....stop,stop and stop all of this nonsense!!! You got through this you have an insurance to the next? Now think of how much of a fool you made out from yourself..... Shame on you..... But the good thing is that you need to learn from yourself....You need to grow up, not in number but in your inspiration.... When time goes by you will see that you need to respect yourself more often....and have confidence in yourself no matter what cause there is no one better than you.....No one.... At first sight you look around and everything seems to be to good for you and that it seems the thing you deserve....but when you look around after some time and wake up from the story you were would guarantee that its not the thing you deserve and you dont deserve actually deserve the best.... If you wanted something so badly...dont run after it....dont try so hard to get it....cause if it is yours it will come to you easily.....just like a waterfall or a stream going down with no effort... Life is too short...your life and all of your days have an end...your life,my life and everyones life is ending try to set a good picture of your own..... Remember everything you did this year ...were you a good your your friends....Wake up stop being a fool.... Its okay if you made mistakes as long as they were in your rights....but dont cross others...forgive,talk, explain confess everything in your heart....dont keep a single word inside till you burst out alone.....even if it will change everything...and it will cause a disaster on the way....but at least you tried and experienced new things in life.... Try to be for the sake of others but for yours....and let them analyze your words in anyway they want...dont even care.....cause one day you will be a memory....a spirit that flows everywhere... Keep in mind that its not wrong to make a mistake....but to insist on it....and thats stupidity from you.... You think that I dont know you and what you have in your heart against your stupid cause I know what goes around me but I have an exceeded ignorance to you...and i truly dont care about your feelings...😊 The most thing I loved at the end of this year is when I woke up and saw people transparently as if my eyes were masked before....I know every single thing....But I just go with the flow.... Is it a good thing to go back to the point you started from?.... I think yeah but this time open up your eyes with everything smartly and acumen-tally.... Dont cross your human rights a second time....once is enough....Those are your own limits and you write them be careful... My life is too short.....that sentence should always be your quote.....It gives hope if you think from a positive way and it gives you a warning..... May Allah forgive us all and may Allah guide us for the best....we are human and we are not impeccable from mistakes....but Allah gave us a mind to not keep on doing the wrong use it for the sake of your life and for the sake of the words that will be written in your book of life.... Happy new year and hope everything will change in a better way❤️❤️❤️❤️
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 22:53:40 +0000

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