Cloward and Piven, Saul Alinsky and President Obama The crisis - TopicsExpress


Cloward and Piven, Saul Alinsky and President Obama The crisis on the border has been created by the Obama administration and encouraged by this administration to blame the republicans for this debacle because they will not pass immigration reform. But, if we actually enforced the immigrations laws already on the books, we would not have a problem. Rather than send additional troops to the Middle East where those living there are clueless on what freedom means, we should send them to our borders to seal the border from illegal immigration. You must realize that those coming over the border are not just children, but terrorist, gang members and drug cartel members. Within 2 years, you can expect disturbances in our streets and terrorist acts that is exactly what our president wants. Why, you may ask? Well, we have a president that does not like what this country represents, believes our country is responsible for all the ills in the world and together with AG Holder, they ignore the laws and the constitution. The present situation with immigration is another attempt to overload the system that can lead to disturbances. When that happens combined with terrorist acts, you will see Marshal Law declared by Obama. For those that are clueless to what that means, it can be explained very easily. The constitution and all your rights are suspended. Give that some deep thought. Now where does Cloward-Piven become involved in this? They were sociologist from the 1960s (yes the 60s) who professed the best way to destroy our country is to overload the system. Think about that. All the scandals, illegal immigration, EPA destructive rules and regulations as well as Executive Orders. These all are used to overwhelm and overload the system. The system is our government. Saul Alinsky becomes involved with his Rules for Radicals. Alinsky was an admirer of Lenin and Castro. And by the way another admirer of Alinsky is Hillary Clinton who wrote her Thesis on Alinsky theories. The goal of Alinsky was to mobilize the poor and oppressed to bring down the system. (Minimum Wage increases that will increase unemployment) What many do not know is that President Obama worked for Alinsky organizations when he graduated college. Alinsky taught his followers not to fight the system, but become part of the system and then destroy it from within. Sell the public on change and use them to further your agenda. Examine Saul Alinskys Rules for Radicals and you will understand the Obama agenda. He is using the system to destroy the country, through the DOJ, IRS, EPA and NSA to name a few organizations where it is well established that the DOJ will not investigate any illegal activity by these agencies, but just go through the motions, but do nothing. America wake up. If you know history you will understand that Hitler used the brown shirts to further his agenda and then when their use was no longer needed we had what is known as The night of the Long Knives, where the groups leaders were either killed or jailed and then later killed. Is history going to repeat? Once the radical left supplants themselves and ideas in government and are in full control, they will attack and destroy those groups they used to further their agenda but are no longer needed. This has happened throughout history and will happen here unless we all speak out and make changes this coming election. Not that the republicans are that much better, but it will afford us an opportunity to slow down this movement and hopefully reverse the direction this country is moving towards.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 11:53:33 +0000

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