Clues to know a Husband material.. Do you agree? 1.GODFEARING ( - TopicsExpress


Clues to know a Husband material.. Do you agree? 1.GODFEARING ( he has to love God,himself before he thinks of loving u.if he sincerely loves god n respect god n his commandments he is likely not to cheat and behave in some kinda way. 2.look at his mentor n role models den u can tell d kinda man he will become 3.check his family history while dating b4 getting to serious and how he was brought up Eg broken home history,mental illness,epilepsy,violence etc.if he is clean den he is morally up right 4.he must not be easily manipulated ie sum1 told him ur cheating he dint even find out he just jumped into conclusion or a business deal was introduced and he manipulates u n gets money n pour it all into d business. 5.looking at how he loves,treat and respect his mum is the way he is likelymost often times gonna treat u. 6.AS FOR ME OO EXCESSIVE MOMMYS BOY AINT HUSBAND MATERIAL COZ HE WOULD ALWAYS TAKE EZ MOTHERS WISHES OVER URS AND MAY NEVER BE ABLE TO STAND UP TO HER. so his mums wish is final 7.he must have an independent mind of ez own,patient,must control ez temperament. 8.he has to be the type that listens to ur opinion n takes advice.a guy who is always boosy and wants it to me only me can run my family is not a husband material 9.there are some men that feel its only them that must make decisions,they dont ever want decisions to be made by women bcoz they see them as lower humans is never and can never be a husband material. 10.he has to be responsible financially,psychologically, spiritually ,ethically. the way a guy takes his job says a lot about him. 11.what is his views about marriage?family?kids? togetherness also says alot about him 12. he has to love(let ur ride ez car instead of treking under d hot sun n f e knt let u,e should drive u),respect,adore u,provide for u,profess ez love for u,and protect u to show he is a husband material. 13.hez got to be smart and sensible to prove ez a husband material. 15.a man that knows how to invest his tym and money is a husband material. 16.a man who respect himself enough to no dat he is the head and been a provider and protector is what makes him the head. 17.a guy who makes u ez best friend and diary rather than friends who arent even there for him in times of need is a husband material(he chills out with d men n all but still knows its only ez wife that should no ez secrets) 18.a man who knows how to create good communication,a man who is understanding is a good husband material 19.a man who tells u ez next step before taking them or talks to u,asks for ur opinion and respects it.before making decisions is a husband materials. 20.a humble man who listens to advice and can make up for mistakes e makes,who isnt too proud to apologize when has done sumtin rng is a husbnd material bnd material. PLZ NOTE:A GUY WHO BEATS YOU WHILE U ARE DATING OVER LITTLE TINZ OR SLAPS U IN D NAME OF CORRECTING U IS NEVER EVER NEVER AND CAN NEVER BE A HUSBAND MATERIAL. PERRY2020
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 06:02:42 +0000

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