Cmnt by #RishabhBhardwaj copied If the name Hindu Kush relates - TopicsExpress


Cmnt by #RishabhBhardwaj copied If the name Hindu Kush relates such a horrible genocide of Hindus, why are Hindus ignorant about it? and why the Government of India does not teach them about Hindu Kush? The history and geography curriculums in Indian Schools barely even mention Hindu Kush. The horrors of the Jewish holocaust are taught not only in schools in Israel and USA, but also in Germany. Because both Germany and Israel consider the Jewish holocaust a dark chapter in the history. The Indian Government instead of giving details of this dark chapte r in Indian history is busy in whitewash of Moslem atrocities and the Hindu holocaust. In 1982, the National Council of Educational Research and Training issued a directive for the rewriting of school texts. Among other things it stipulated that: Characterization of the medieval period as a time of conflict between Hindus and Muslims is forbidden . Thus denial of history or Negationism has become Indias official educational policy. In the well documented history, Emperor Chandragupt Maurya took charge of Vaahic Pradesh around 320 BC and then took over Magadh. Emperor Ashoks stone tablets with inscriptions in Greek and Aramaic are still found at Qandahar (corruption of Gandhaar) and Laghman in eastern Afganistan. One such stone tablet, is shown in the PBS TV series Legacy with Mark Woods in episode 3 titled India: The Spiritual Empire. After the fall of Mauryan empire, Gandhaar was ruled by Greeks. However some of these Greek rulers had converted to Buddhism, such as Menander, known to Indian historians as Milinda, while some other Greeks became followers of Vishnav sects (Hinduism). Recent excavations in Bactria have revealed a golden hoard which has among other things a figurine of a Greek goddess with Hindu mark on its forehead (Bindi) showing the confluence of Hindu-Greek art. Later Shaka and KushaaN ruled Gandhaar and Vaahic Pradesh. KushaaN emperor Kanishkas empire stretched from Mathura to the Aral Sea (beyond the present day Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Krygzystan). THUS TILL THE YEAR 1000 AD AFGANISTAN WAS A FULL PART OF HINDU CRADLE.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 03:42:32 +0000

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