Coach Jeff Branham was selected as DAVIS WEATLH SERVICES, Hometown - TopicsExpress


Coach Jeff Branham was selected as DAVIS WEATLH SERVICES, Hometown Hero at tonights basketball games. Heres the script that was read about him tonight, courtesy of Andrea Gillliand. College football coach Eddie Robinson once said, “Coaching is a profession of love. You can’t coach people unless you love them.” So it’s no surprise that for over 4 decades, Jeff Branham has coached football players, baseball teams, softball girls, track stars, golfers, and swimmers. Coach Branham chose a career in coaching, not out of love for the game, but out of his love for people. Love is patient and kind, which is why Coach Branham has easily been able to teach hundreds of teenagers how to drive and hunt safely. Love is not self-seeking or boastful which is why Jeff Branham can coach a state qualifying golf team as happily as he can drive a bus full of baseball players home after losing on the road. Love is not easily angered and keeps no record of wrong, which is how Coach Branham keeps a smile on his face after all these years of teaching and coaching. When one’s profession is built out of love for people there is no retiring. That’s why the staff and students at DHS still see Coach Branham nearly every day substitute teaching or announcing ballgames. So if coaching really is a profession of love, Jeff Branham is the winningest coach ever. And tonight he wins the Davis Wealth Hometown Hero Award. Here to present the award is Dyersburg High School principal, Kim Worley.
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 05:45:09 +0000

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