Coach MelissaUrmetz bringin the heat with her newsletter this - TopicsExpress


Coach MelissaUrmetz bringin the heat with her newsletter this week. Had to share a snippet... TRAINERS CORNER~ HOLIDAYS ARE NO EXCUSE So many people make the decision to take a break due to the holidays. They say, oh, Im traveling, or I have so many holiday parties, or its just so busy I simply cant, or the holidays are not the same without all that yummy food Well I am here to say, thats a bunch of crap! If you serious about your goals, NOTHING will stop you from reaching them! Nothing, not a party, a kid, stress, a relationship gone well or bad, crisis in family, or holidays. The truth is there is always something. If you look at a calender it is full of excuses There is ALWAYS something. There is always a weekend, a birthday, a holiday! If you are waiting for the perfect conditions then guess what, nothing will ever happen. Conditions are never optimal for eating clean and exercising. Society is just not that way. Its not easy to be fit! It requires sacrifice, planning and discipline! Being prepared for success it the key to surviving. And if you slip up then getting right back on. Living life by how you feel you will lose every time, thats not just for fitness either. You have to have a plan of action and follow that plan whether you feel like it or not. Thats how you WIN! HERE are some basic guidelines to help you WIN: 1) MAKE A PLAN If you have no idea what to do or where to start, ASK!! I would be more than happy to sit down with you and help you figure out what will work best for you and your situation. 2) BEGIN TO IMPLEMENT YOUR PLAN a) collecting recipes you would like to use that will help you reach your fitness goal. Pick things you enjoy to eat. Find healthier alternatives to your holiday favorites. Example I love sweet potato casserole, but the original version is so jam packed with sugar and calories its no longer worth it for me to eat it. So I make a healthier version that give me the satisfaction I am looking for without the sugar and calories. b) create a grocery list; dont think your going to remember everything. Look at all your recipes and then at what you already have at home. Begin to write down all the ingredients necessary to implement your plan. This is crucial. If you have two recipes that call for tomatos make sure you are buying enough for both. Dont just write tomatoes, be specific. c) Prep Come home with your groceries and begin to sort and prep right away. I like to wash and cut up all my veggies and fruits I need ahead so its easy to pick them up in a hurry. Clean and organize all your proteins. d) Cooking Whether its the same day as your shopping or later that week, pre cooking your meals is key! THIS IS THE MOST CRUCIAL STEP! Without pre cooking you may be destined to fail. Pre making your breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinners will help you succeed when life gets busy or your so hungry your going to eat your arm off. Example I know I will not be able to cook dinner on Mon, Tue, Thurs evenings so I make those ahead. I dont pre cook for Wed Fri and Sat because I am home those evenings. e) PORTION Now that everything is ready, you would be doing yourself a huge disservice if you did not portion out your meals. I can not tell you how many times overeating has occurred because the food was not portioned. Calories are calories whether its healthy food or not. So get out your containers and portion out your servings. If your making it for you and your family then just portion out yours and leave the rest for your family. I put my portions in green containers so everyone knows its mine (green is my favorite color) 3) FOLLOW YOUR PLAN No matter how fabulous or meticulous you have planned it will not work unless you follow it. Dont let yourself deviate from what you planned for that day! Example is you brought spinach and chicken from lunch. You decide you want to eat lunch at home instead so you go home and see the kids mac and cheese and chicken fingers, BOOM! you have failed. FOLLOW YOUR PLAN! that leads me to the last step for success 4) EXPECT DETOURS Life doesnt go as plan so we need a plan for our OK, so you have plan A and nine times out of ten you will stay with this plan, but we all know things happen. Stay late at work, traffic, kids need driving around, an emergency, you know life! What do you do??? You prepare! I keep protein bars in my office, nuts in my bag, and meal replacement shakes in my car! I am always with food in case I get stuck! Do not leave without something with your our you will be at the mercy of your stomach and that never end well.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 18:48:46 +0000

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