Coalition Against Corruption(CAC) would want to emulate ZANU PF - TopicsExpress


Coalition Against Corruption(CAC) would want to emulate ZANU PF legislator and Chairperson of the Ministry of Mines Parliamentary Portfolio Committee member Edward Chindori Chininga for revealing out that treasury is not receiving any proceeds from the mining of diamonds at Chiadzwa.The findings by the Parliamentary Committee tallies with what Finance Minister Tendai Biti has been telling the nation that treasury was not receiving adequate proceeds. Hence CAC applauds Hon Chininga for the bold remarks as he has managed to counter his counterpart Minister Obert Mpofu who continues to dismisss such allegations as baseless.The Portfolio Committe has to now summon Minister Mpofu to come forward and explain how the diamond proceeds are being utilized.CAC beleives that the vast diamond wealth should benefit all Zimbabweans regardless of race,color or creed.Lets reject corrupt leaders as we head to the polls regardless of political affiliation
Posted on: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 12:16:44 +0000

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