Coalition to Stop Smart Meters - Update 2014-12-07 Bill Bennett - TopicsExpress


Coalition to Stop Smart Meters - Update 2014-12-07 Bill Bennett continuing to lie -- still saying there have been no fires!! 1) Despite all of the fire reports that I have sent Bill Bennett, he continues to lie (yes, I think the “L” word is appropriate here) by telling a member in a letter written on Thurs. Dec. 4 saying that there have been no $$meter fires!! In addition to all of the other mis-statements, Bennett is deliberately deceiving the public about the safety of these meters. Is this not harmful negligence?? Please see the letter posted above, with my comments about other points in [square brackets]. I hope you all will write to Bennett about this – and copy everyone you can think of. 2) Some very well-informed people are becoming active in the FortisBC area. - - pentictonwesternnews/news/282618321.html - 3) It was suggested to me that people might like to hear the short interview I did on CKNW on Friday. It begins at the 15 min. mark of: - https://soundcloud/cknwnewstalk980/drex-live-friday-dec-5-hour-1. I so hope that people will write to CKNW or add comments on CKNW’s facebook. - https://facebook/475237565520/posts/10154893890115521 Drex seems sincerely interested, and perhaps if public interest is shown to be high about the fire issue, he will put some more info. out there for people. His email is: drex@cknw 4) This is from a few months ago, but good as a reminder: insurance companies are refusing to cover health claims associated with cell phones or any other microwave emitting devices. - consumersadvocateleague/2014/12/07/insurance-companies-wont-cover-cell-phone-brain-tumor-product-liability-lawsuits/#comments - https://youtube/watch?v=pDeMPeFUmPE&utm_content=bufferd103f&utm_medium=social& 5) Others are beginning to pick up on the recent studies which show that those especially at risk are those who use cell/cordless phones before the age of 20. - jamaicaobserver/news/Cellphone-use-linked-to-brain-tumours_18048648 6) Industry expressing concern about the lack of security and increasing vulnerability of being “connected”. - https://linkedin/today/post/article/20141206001808-580312-iot-big-market-big-data-big-headache 7) Letters: See postings above. Sharon Noble Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 08:23:52 +0000

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