Coat Distribution Aids Hundreds By Gayle Page – Staff Writer | - TopicsExpress


Coat Distribution Aids Hundreds By Gayle Page – Staff Writer | 0 comments Nearly 900 coats, along with 202 heaters and scores of blankets, gloves, hats and scarves, were handed out Saturday during the 14th annual “Coats for the Cold” distribution sponsored by Appalachian Outreach. The event took place at Jefferson Elementary School, where more than 100 volunteers assisted those choosing outer wear to help keep them warm through the approaching winter. In the school’s cafeteria, multiple tables were piled high with all sorts of cold weather gear – coats, jackets, gloves, hats, scarves and blankets – all organized in various sizes. Each family member was provided with a huge plastic sack before entering. The operation going on in the big room appeared to be organized bedlam, yet people were friendly, smiling and seemed quite satisfied with their selections. Most of those big sacks were jammed to capacity. “It’s been really fun to watch the kids’ reactions when they pick up stuff they really like,” said Megan Holmes, a Carson-Newman student, who along with friend Alli Rutledge, with the Bonner program at C-N, was sitting on the hallway floor enjoying a prepared lunch and some well-deserved rest. Alli said they had worked all day, as well as the night before, getting ready for the event. “The turnout of volunteers was really good,” she said. As people came through the front doors and registered for the giveaway, groups of 25 were taken into the gymnasium where devotional services took place. A youth group from a church in Cary, North Carolina, played guitars and sang spirit-filled songs and invited the crowds to participate. Pastors and church volunteers read scripture, and made themselves available to pray with anyone who felt the need. Evelyn Griffen from the Jefferson County Health Department was on hand to do Tennder Care Outreach to families. Church members from Cary, North Carolina, Smyrna, Tennessee and first timers from Athens, Alabama took part, along with volunteers from local churches. They all had a hand in making this year’s distribution a huge success. New to the scene was a church from Gallatin, Tennessee, whose members brought a load of pre-sorted winter wear, adding to the stock. Appalachian Outreach Ministry Coordinator Angie Burgess said although the response of the churches participating provided overwhelmingly generous donations, she thought next year they might make a special appeal for additional children’s coats. She didn’t believe they would run out, but more families with children had signed up this year, so next year she wanted to be ready, just in case. Any items not taken Saturday were return to the ministry center and will be available to families who were unable to make it to the distribution day. Given away Saturday were 882 coats; 153 blankets; 1,754 lightweight jackets, sweaters and the like; and 2,646 gloves, hats and scarves. Families from Jefferson and Grainger counties also took home 202 small heaters. “Many people expressed their deepest appreciation,” said Burgess, who was well pleased with the way the event turned out. She mentioned that calls of thanks were still coming in to the ministry center, and she felt that everyone involved had been specially blessed. standardbanner/news/coat-distribution-aids-hundreds/article_b5932554-69a7-11e4-b50e-9b649bb0f791.html?mode=story
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 03:33:38 +0000

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