Coca Cola Brampton Lock Out/Strike Continues WRITTEN BY: JENN - - TopicsExpress


Coca Cola Brampton Lock Out/Strike Continues WRITTEN BY: JENN - JUL• 02•13 Not surprising; the Coca Cola negotiation team all spent the long weekend with their own families while our families were fragmented as workers manned the picket lines. That’s ok though! They were where they needed to be. You see, we’re not doing this so we can get rich, live in multi-million dollar homes, and enjoy every luxury that strikes our fancy. . We are picketing because: a) Coca Cola walked away from negotiations and locked workers out, and b) we have no choice. We need the plant operations to be done safely. We need to be able to pay the mortgages on our very-middle-class homes, most of which are located in the GTA (necessary), put our kids in soccer, pay for glasses and put braces on their teeth when the needs arise. We need just a little assurance that jobs will actually be there tomorrow, and we have some sort of future. My husband likes his job. He comes home tired after putting in a full day, and does it again the next day – without complaint. He enjoys talking to customers. They’re good people, our customers. I say “Our” because I feel like I’m a part of Coke too. Not because we get free product; we don’t. I feel that way because my husband takes his work seriously, and feels good about the way he provides his services not only to the company, but to the customers. He is recognized when we’re out in public, and it’s always in a positive way. In fact he was recognized most recently when the manager of a Tim Horton’s we stopped at remembered him from when he was a manager at a Mac’s store. He came over and shook his hand, and was introduced to us (our youngest daughter and I). “Good man you’ve got there, Missus!” he said to me. Don’t I know it. My husband doesn’t want this lock out. He would much rather be working. His friends and coworkers in the company don’t want this lock out. They want to be able to work too. I haven’t met a single unionized employee who feels otherwise. Nor do I hear stories about guys who feel that it’s a “gravy train” and want to get paid well and do next to nothing. These men WORK for their money. Believe me; I’d hear ALL about it if there were slackers making the rest of the guys work that much harder. From the looks of it, Coca Cola is going to play hard ball with this negotiation, because it will most definitely affect all other negotiations in Canada. They no doubt want to break this group of workers and make them accept their terms. In essence, they’re apparently taking an “Our way or the highway” stance. Perish the thought that Canadian workers take even the smallest crumb from a $9BILLION profit margin. So our people aren’t just fighting for themselves here. They’re fighting for Coca Cola workers across the country. Because they WILL be coming after the rest of them as their contacts come up for negotiations. This is why workers at the other locations have been standing shoulder to shoulder with our people. This is why Coca Cola CUSTOMERS are supporting our efforts here. Customers know that if Coke is able to outsource to “who knows what other cheap, untrained companies”, their quality of service could decline in a big way, and that will affect THEIR customers. This is why we need the public to share information with friends, family, and coworkers. This is why we need fair news coverage, and not reporters who simply parrot what Coke tells them and don’t seek the truth. Look for the SHARE button below. Please use it! Here’s a screenshot, where I have underlined in red (appropriate, yes?) the lies told by Coca Cola. Seven (7) in just a little over a paragraph. Please click on the image to get a larger view. Coca Cola is now trying to get a legal injunction against workers walking the picket lines, fighting for their futures, by having the peaceful delaying of traffic in and out of other coke plants and warehouses declared illegal. I sincerely hope that the Canadian Judge hearing this nonsense from Coca Cola takes the 700 employees currently affected, plus the thousands of other employees who will be affected, into account, sees this American company trying to screw over Canadian workers, and denies their request. Naturally my blog is my blog, and a lot of this is my opinion. But know this; I will never print anything here that is untrue. I will print my opinion, which needs to be taken as just that: Opinion. However, unlike Coca Cola, I will never print a bald-faced lie and expect the public to buy it. (The links now download as PDF files). The public, contrary to Coca Cola’s apparent belief, is smarter than that. Past that; *I* have a moral and ethical code to live by that doesn’t allow me to sit here and lie to people. Please, continue to support the efforts of our workers. THANK YOU. #cokestrike See also: youknowthatblog/2013/06/28/coca-cola-strike-action/ youknowthatblog/2013/06/30/coca-cola-forced-strike-more-info/ https://twitter/YouKnowThatBlog https://twitter/CawLocal973 https://twitter/ZhinoOthman
Posted on: Thu, 04 Jul 2013 23:37:39 +0000

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