Cockledoodledoooooo! Getcha some coffee?shugah and think about - TopicsExpress


Cockledoodledoooooo! Getcha some coffee?shugah and think about this:-) Why does the Earth speak the English language? It is a new language? Through study...I can share some thoughts....all thru high school...I wuz bored to death with most of my studies...I did enjoy any math, biology, chemistry....and some science. Oh...those three are science? I wont bother yu with my thoughts on college:-( Oh, I was asking about English.......We gotta talk about the Mayan Calendar first. It is based on precession, the 26000 yr rotation of earths wobble on it axis....extreme slow motion wobble. Plato called this a great year. Sir Issac Newton wrote a book on the subject...the research got left behind because scientist and theorist and leaders excepted Darwyns theory. Why? If we had excepted precession...our studies and time lines of the ancients would be turned on end...we would be admitting that previous cultures were smarter than us...two of the cultures being the Mayans and the Egyptians. Here is something we werent taught.....31 cultures accept and study precession, a 24-26000 yr cycle:-) The Mayan calendar wuz also based on 260 days? The gestation period of humans:-) Their calendar celebrated life, and repected the heavens. It dealt with periods of light...being smart and periods of darkness...being dumb!!! The Mayans might have have ended their calendar because we are headed for a time of dark and dumb...yes, it may be that simple. We have a world speaking and studying English...I and yu dont have the ability to study anything from our past. It wont translate? Ends up...there is a culture that can read the glyphs fluently...we never knew this:-( We were told that a man translated the Rosetta Stone and his studies enlightened is now speculated that he didnt release what he found, but something far from it? The glyph readers will change the Rosetta Stone findings? A dark period to the Mayans and ancient Egyptian was when sharing and caring stopped? I am calling it dumb...wuz English introduced to dumb us?.......America is young...but we dominate and rule...we have two of the worlds richest men...they have pooled their money into one trust/foundation. Which translates to great wealth with no sharing? What are they preparing for? No person could argue that Stephen Hawking is brilliant is argued that he is 50 yrs. away from catching the Mayans and ancient Egyptians:-) Jesus Egyptians were not the ancient builders of the pyramids? What does all the above say? Each of us need to study and be not stick to the books. In all of my one denounces God or the birth of Jesus...I actually found that nothing studied supported atheist or agnostic thinking...I understand that that that finding is my perception, too. I choose to believe in God and prayer:-) A side effect of Prayer is Intelligence. I wish for miles of smiles:-)
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 14:55:35 +0000

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