Coffee Cut-Out Cookies Ive had a few requests for my recipe for - TopicsExpress


Coffee Cut-Out Cookies Ive had a few requests for my recipe for the coffee cookies I make. I have tried quite a few online and have been quite disappointed with the results so I took matters into my own hands & came up with the following recipe. These cookies are easy to work with and barely spread, as per the experience that Ive had. I take this recipe: http ://www .thekitchn. com /recipe-best-cutout-cookies-38629 and alter it a bit. :D (I had to break up the link as it was messing with my post. Apologies!) Instead of the flavourings suggested, I use a combo of LorAnn Oils Coffee & Irish Cream Flavors (1t Coffee & 1/2t Irish Cream). NOTE: if you want a lighter coloured cookie, the Coffee flavour is brown and will tint your cookies a bit. I add in 2T of coffee grounds (I have a Tassimo coffee maker & I put in 1 Tim Hortons puck as it held approx 2T of coffee grounds). Flavoured coffee may change the taste of your cookies. To date, I have only tried Tim Hortons. IF you want to use instant coffee (which I did in a previous experimenting recipe) put in 2T but know that this will seriously change the colour of your cookies as it does not maintain its granules state when mixed into the dough as they dissolve in liquid. Another difference is that where coffee grounds have their own flavour, instant coffee will invade the cookie dough with flavour just like flavourings will do. This may mean that you may want to leave out the Coffee flavouring & just increase the Irish Cream flavouring. Dont be afraid to experiment. Instead of 1C White Granulated Sugar, I put in 1.25C Icing Sugar. Heres why: coffee is bitter. I do not like bitter coffee]. I do not like a unsweet cookie. I like my coffee sweet. This is why I changed the sugar to icing sugar & increased the amount to produce a yummy cookie. [For now, lets ignore the fact that I used to order a Large coffee with 3 cream, 4 sugars, & 5 sweeteners from Tim Hortons! Ive gotten better: 3 cream, 3 sugars, & 4 sweeteners. See? Improvement!] Also good to know: 2oz cream cheese = 1/4C. Cookie recipe recap: I changed the flavourings to coffee flavours, used 1 Tassimo puck of ground coffee to my dry ingredients, & switched and increased the sugar to 1.25C icing sugar. I separated my dough into 2 discs, rolled them out between waxed paper to 1/4 and placed them on baking sheets & put them in the fridge for approx 20 mins. Take them out of the fridge & cut out your cookies. I baked mine for 12-14 mins at 350F. To make my drawn Christmas tree cookies I used my chopping knife & cut out irregular rectangles. I wanted the cookies to have a more natural look, more artsy than cookie-cutterish [see how I did that there? ;)]. This is the recipe I use for Royal Icing: http :// sugarkissed. net/royal-icing-recipe/ (I had to break up the link as it messed up my post. My apologies.) I prefer this recipe because I have found it to be simple to make, taste the best (thats saying a lot for an RI) & it comes together well. Here are my adjustments: instead of 1t Glycerin I use 1/2t. The icing is still hard enough for stacking & soft enough to eat. I often replace the plain flavourings with Irish Cream as the icing then goes from good to delicious. Where one might lick your finger if regular RI gets on it... One definitely does if any Irish Cream icing does. ;) I also increase the amount of water to 1-1.5C as this recipe calls for 3/4C and there is nowhere near enough water to start out with for my climate (I live in the Vancouver, BC, Canada area & were between mountains & the ocean. This part of the country is often referred to as the Wet Coast of BC. This affects icing & cookie decorating. Wet, rainy days with the windows open can affect your icing. Know that the amount of water you add to your icing may be influenced by where you live.). NOTE: With the coffee cookies you cant taste the Irish Cream if you add any of that flavour into the cookies. Save your flavouring for another day. If you make your cookies without the IC flavouring then add it to your icing as it will definitely compliment the cookies that way. A lot of the recipes I use for my cut-out cookies can be found on my Pinterest account. I also have a cookie group on facebook called, All About Cookies where I share the projects Im working on and we talk about cookies. :)
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 02:02:44 +0000

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