Coffee: Oh, heady elixir, how would we wake up without you? - TopicsExpress


Coffee: Oh, heady elixir, how would we wake up without you? According to legend, centuries ago, a goatherd named Kaldi lived in Ethiopia and noticed that his goats became extra energetic when they ate the red berries of a wild, native plant. He brought the berries to a local monastery, where they made a drink with it, and so it began. Coffee beans were used fresh until the 1400s, when the practice of roasting the beans began in the Arab world. Coffee drinking didnt become popular in Europe until the mid-1600s, and it is said that Americans widely adopted the coffee drinking habit after the Boston Tea Party. Now it is one of the most valuable (legally) traded commodities on the globe.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 20:13:56 +0000

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