Coffee and prayers this rainy Saturday morning . A 12 hour tour - TopicsExpress


Coffee and prayers this rainy Saturday morning . A 12 hour tour lies ahead , hoping it goes by fast . I was thinking back yesterday on several years ago when I was going to visit my youngest daughter in her first apartment in Nashville . I had her address , but Id never been to this apartment .Nashville has always been a confusing city to navigate in to me , but I had I had the address put into my GPS , and I was on my way that Saturday morning . The three and a half hour trip was without incident until I hit the outskirts of Nashville and my GPS shut off ! I turned it back on, only to have it shut off after 30 seconds , time and time again . The cord was plugged into the power source on my dashboard . What in the world was going on with it? All I knew about her apartment was that it was only 2 miles from Lispcomb, where she was going to school. Of course there are a thousand apartments within 2 miles of there . I tried calling , only to have her phone go straight to voicemail . I checked the GPS cord once more. Only this time I discovered that it wasnt my GPS cord that was plugged in, it was my phone cord! I laughed at myself , plugged in my GPS , making SURE it truly was plugged in, and it led me right to her driveway . I thought I had been plugged in all that time , only to discover that Id been plugged in all wrong . I sincerely thought I was plugged in. But I was sincerely wrong . Such is life sometimes . How many people are plugged in to the wrong source in life? How many rely upon that job to sustain them? How many rely upon that relationship , that retirement , that wealth to sustain them ? How many rely upon horoscopes , psychics, or even some lifestyle ? Maybe they simply rely upon themselves . Theyve done okay up until now , so why change ? Like that GPS, maybe they made it 95% of the way. But it was that last 5% that mattered MOST. If its a job or wealth you depend upon , what happens when that is suddenly gone? There were many, many people who took their own lives when the crash of 1929 occurred. They lost their wealth , therefore they lost their will to live because that was all they had. Its bad to lose a good job, I know from experience . But my job wasnt my provider . Jesus was and still is my provider. He saw me through . Its always tragic to lose a spouse, a parent , or child . If that relationship with that person or persons is the only thing that sustains a person , then what happens when that ends ? If we have CHRIST as our main source , we need not ever worry about that source ending . When He is ours, we are His, its forever . Literally . He wont take us 95% of the way and then leave . What are you depending upon as your source? Sincerity about it doesnt matter . Sincerity doesnt equal truth. I can sincerely believe that Im eating candy , but if it is truly rat poison , then I will die . Being His means that when all else fails, He wont let you fall. Hes the ONLY constant in a world that gets more insane every day. Make HIM your source. Have a great day everyone . Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, I will never leave you nor forsake you. So we may boldly say: The Lord is my helper;I will not fear.What can man do to me? Hebrews 13:5-6
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 12:41:55 +0000

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