Cohort: Day 1 of Tech Tech in a real theater is very impressive. - TopicsExpress


Cohort: Day 1 of Tech Tech in a real theater is very impressive. Its nice to see what you have to do in order to get the effects that Geva one finds at Geva mainstage productions. Actors called at 11. We got there at about 11:30 to lots of activity (lights, sound, . . .), but no visible actors. The actors appeared in their costumes for the first scenes, which I had not seen before — very effective. Tech takes TIME, and Ill try to give a flavor for that. There is a great deal of waiting for the actors while the tech side gets exercised and tuned. Frank called places at about 12:10, and Monica went to her place, which happens to be the house left side of the balcony. There she stayed, unused, until about 12:50, while the opening monolog got its technical accompaniment added (and, of course, opening music and lighting, quite dramatic). She and John have a few lines of dialog while they are both in the balcony, on opposite sides of the house. Lights and sound go with this, and there were issues with them. At one point Frank said, Keep cycling those three lines until I tell you to stop, and, of course they did. After a few cycles Frank added, You may improvise if this is killing your brain. During another technical halt Mr. Memory and his impresario exchanged jokes (jokes such as Why did the monkey fall our of the tree? I dont know, why did the monkey fall out the tree? Because he was dead. Why did the second monkey fall out of the tree? I dont know, why did the second monkey fall out the tree? Because he was stapled to the first monkey. Why did the third monkey fall out of the tree? I dont know, why did the third monkey fall out the tree? Peer pressure.) and then spent time working on hat tricks. Then Stephie turned up in a Lone Ranger mask. We got into the beginning of p. 23 (of 121) by the time we broke for dinner at 4. The train was onstage, but the sequence hadnt started. I have other plans for the rest of the evening (yes, JR, Im on my way to your place), so I wont get to see them run the chase sequence. The train now has something closer to real windows, so the chase is going to be more difficult and more impressive. Everyone was still happy at this point. Seans comment on the heavies under the street lamp: This could be Christmas Carol on acid.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 21:19:10 +0000

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