Cold Night of King and a Poor Old Man Once Upon A time a king - TopicsExpress


Cold Night of King and a Poor Old Man Once Upon A time a king went for hunting to the Woods far from his Palace. It was end of the year and the cold was at its peak. Following the prey as it was a special rare breed Black-Deers, king took lot more time and surpassed the evening. Now as it was quiet dark, King and his troop were rushing back to the palace. Horses were galloping and grunting fog like steam engines. Not only the cold, it also started to rain as-well so the troop and the king had to stop a small nearby tandoor(bread shop). Soon when the rain got a paused they hurried and finally returned to the palace safe and sound. But the king had his mind stuck back at the tandoor(Bread Shop). There he had seen a poor old man sitting on the floor with torn dress and not even a piece of rug to protect his body from the shattering cold. With every blast of thunder King woke up and got more and more curious about the situation of that poor old man. Next morning the first thing he did was to send a few horsemen to bring that poor old man. When the old man came King asked "Old man i could not sleep all night thinking about you, i wish to know how did you spend your night ??? " Old Man replied "My Dear King, if i answer you with truth, you may then would order your men to kill me". King said "You have my words old man, you will not be harmed in return of your answer". And then the old man told "Dear King i spent half night just like you and half better than yours" King was amazed at the answer and said i sleep in most comfy silk and fur beds which is as cozy as a teapot while you on the other hand did not have even a torn piece of blanket so how can you spend the night like me or better than me ? The old man revealed "My king, As long as the tandoor(stove) was hot at the bread shop, i kept sleeping just like you, After mid night when the stove got cold, i was awakened by the increasing cold and kept on PRAYING to ALL MIGHTY ALLAH. This is how i spent half night better than yours" {And during the night wake up and pray, as an extra offering of your own, so that your Lord may raise you to a [highly] praised status.} (Quran 17:79) And be not like those who forgot Allah, so He made them forget themselves.Those are the defiantly [disobedient.[Surah Hashr Ayah 18-19] 1-Improve yourself and Help others 2-Keep Dunya in your Hand and Akhirah in your Heart 3-Use this Life to prepare for the AfterLife 4-Spread the good and Stop the bad 5-Obey ALLAH and Obey the Messengers 6-Avoid Shirk and Fulfill Haqooq-ulIbaad 7-Do good for yourself and others 8-Accept ALLAH as your Master and yourself HIS slave. Real guidance is only Allah’s guidance ( 2:120 ). He guides whom He wills to the right way (14:4 ). He creates everything, sets up equilibrium in it, programmes it and then guides it to follow the programme ( 87:1-3 ). He is the Author of peace, ( 59:23 ), Perfect, Sound, Defectless, Safe, Source of rising high, Dictator of the ‘Religion of Peace i.e. Al – Islam’, before Whom everything submits as a Muslim ( 3:83 ). He is the Granter of security, peace, safety. He is Reliable and Trustworthy, in Whose existence we are required to believe. This belief or ‘Iman’ is an internal condition and ‘Islam’ is its expression. He is the Guardian Who prevails providing protection, exhibiting love and mercy ( 59:23 ). He is the Subtle, Who is informed of the internally hidden conditions of everything. His Grace, Kindness, Beneficence, Mercy etc. continuously work behind the scene without our noticing them immediately, we notice the result only after some time ( 6:103, 42:19, 67:13-14 ). Water is continuously evaporating without our notice to form clouds, we notice only the final effect as rain and vegetation. He is Clement, full of leniency, kindness, tolerance, forbearance, giving time for amendment though He has the power to punish us immediately for the sins committed by us ( 2:225, 3:155 ). Allah is the God, Strong and perfectly informed, inspite of this, His Authority is denied and others beside Him are worshipped, respected and obeyed. He has he power of retaliation, still He exhibits unmatched patience and restraint. He is ‘The Loving’. His love is associated with His mercy and forgiveness. Love should be reciprocal which requires response from human beings in the form of obeying His orders ( 11:90, 85:14 ). He responds to one who prays to Him ( 2:186, 11:61 ). His grant is not restricted to those who pray to Him, He even grants to those who are unfit to receive it ( 14:39 ). He sometimes grants as a reward. He grants to whom He wills ( 3:8, 42: 49 ). He is ‘The Helper’ ( 2:107 ) and when He helps no one can stop His help ( 3:13,160 ). He obliges human beings by guiding them towards right belief ( 49:17 ). He is ‘The Trustee’ Who is Reliable, Dependable and Incharge of everything ( 6:102 ). We are required to put our total trust in Him and He loves such people ( 3:159, 65:3 ). He is the our Patron and Friend towards Whom we are required to turn for help ( 2:107 ). He is Kind, Benign Who exhibits His fidelity and response ( 52:28 ). He is full of pity for others ( 9:117 ) saving His servants from harmful things which hinder their growth. His help should be sought ( 1:4, 21:112 ) and only He can benefit. He has the charge and maintains everything ( 16:91 ). He is sufficient as Guardian ( 4:45 ), Helper, Trustee, Guide, ( 4:81, 25:31 ) as one Who knows (4:70 ) as One Informed ( 17:17 ), Seeing, Witnessing ( 4:79 ) and as One Who takes account ( 4:6 ). He is constantly and intensely Gracious ( 19:47 ). He elevates righteous deeds ( 35:10 ). He can forbid, prevent, harm and disgrace anyone. He sees ( 17:1 ), hears ( 2:127), is informed ( 2:234 ), is a witness ( 22: 17 ) and Vigilant ( 33:52 ) over everything. He will raise the dead ( 22:7) to take an account of everything ( 4:86 ). He manifests the truth, He is the best Judge executing justice ( 95:8, 34:26 ). He acknowledges ( 2:158 ) our striving in His cause. He accepts repentance ( 4:16-18, 9:104 ), He pardons and He can protect us from committing sins and also the punishment of sins already committed ( 6:165, 39:53 ). He inflicts retribution ( 3:4 ) and is Severe in requiting evil ( 2:196 ). Allah, exhibiting all His Attributes, gives life, causes to die ( 40:68 ), shapes us and gives us complexions as He wills ( 3:6, 35:28, 30:22 ). He gives us physical senses ( 16:78 ) knowledge ( 2:255, 96:4-5 ), wisdom ( 2:269 ), language and speech ( 30:22, 55: 2-4, 90:8-9 ). It is He Who gives us happiness and sorrow ( 53:43 ) and restores us to health ( 26:80 ). He grants us mates ( 30:21 ), children ( male or female ), progeny ( 16:72, 42:49-50. 23:79 ) and relatives ( 25:54 ). He grants us sleep for rest ( 25:47, 78:9 ) and provides us with food ( 11:6, 15:20-21, 27:64 ), clothes ( 16:81 ). Houses ( 16:80 ), roads ( 20:53 ) and means of transport ( 17:70, 36:41-42, 40:79 ). He sanctifies ( 4:49, 24:21 ) and grants higher or lower status to whom He wills ( 3:26, 12:76, 43:32 ). He has subjected everything in the universe to serve us ( 31:20 ) and made us collectively responsible to implement His laws (2 :30-39, 6:165 ) for the peaceful existence of mankind. All this He has done to TEST us, so as to mark out the dwellers of paradise and hell ( 11:7, 67:2, 76:2 ) and to help us in achieving success in this test He has been extremely fair in providing us with guidance in the form of Divine revelations communicated through His messengers ( PBT ) who were sent to all communities, ( 16:36, 35:24, 40:78 ) the final form of which is the Holy Quran ( 5:48 ) and the last Messenger Muhammed ( SAWS ) ( 33:40 ).
Posted on: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 03:38:44 +0000

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