Cold weather. [] What if the warmth the world has enjoyed for - TopicsExpress


Cold weather. [] What if the warmth the world has enjoyed for the past 50 years is the result of solar activity, not man-made CO2? In a letter to the editor of Astronomy & Astrophysics, IG Usoskin et al produced the first fully ­adjustment-free physical reconstruction of solar activity. They found that during the past 3000 years the modern grand maxima, which occurred between 1959 and 2009, was a rare event both in magnitude and duration. This research adds to growing evidence that climate change is determined by the sun, not humans. Yet during the past 20 years the US alone has poured about $US80 billion into climate change research on the presumption that humans are the primary cause. The effect has been to largely preordain scientific conclusions. It set in train a virtuous cycle where the more scientists pointed to human causes, the more governments funded their research. At the same time, like primitive civilisations offering up sacrifices to appease the gods, many governments, including Australias former Labor government, used the biased research to pursue green gesture politics. This has inflicted serious damage on economies and diminished the Wests standing and effectiveness in world ­affairs. University of Pennsylvania professor of psychology Philip Tetlock explains: When journal reviewers, editors and funding agencies feel the same way about a course, they are less likely to detect and correct potential logical or methodological bias. How true. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and its acolytes pay scant attention to any science, however strong the empirical evidence, that may relegate human causes to a lesser status. This mindset sought to bury the results of Danish physicist Henrik Svensmarks experiments using the Large Hadron Collider, the worlds most powerful particle accelerator. For the first time in controlled conditions, Svensmarks hypothesis that the sun alters the climate by influencing cosmic ray influx and cloud formation was validated. The head of CERN, which runs the laboratory, obviously afraid of how this heretical conclusion would be received within the global warming establishment, urged caution be used in interpreting the results in this highly political area of climate change debate. And the media obliged. But Svensmark is not alone. For example, Russian scientists at the Pulkovo Observatory are convinced the world is in for a cooling period that will last for 200-250 years. Respected Norwegian solar physicist Pal Brekke warns temperatures may actually fall for the next 50 years. Leading British climate scientist Mike Lockwood, of Reading University, found 24 occasions in the past 10,000 years when the sun was declining as it is now, but could find none where the decline was as fast. He says a return of the Dalton Minimum (1790-1830), which included the year without summer, is more likely than not. In their book The Neglected Sun , Sebastian Luning and Fritz Varen­holt think that temperatures could be two-tenths of a degree Celsius cooler by 2030 because of a predicted anaemic sun. They say it would mean warming getting postponed far into the future. [/]
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 22:36:11 +0000

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