***Colins Thoughts on Glee*** Okay, look. I was a fan of Glee - TopicsExpress


***Colins Thoughts on Glee*** Okay, look. I was a fan of Glee before it ever aired. I saw a promo with Sue Sylvester and I was hooked. The show was good. Great, at times. And then ... it wasnt. Season 6 premieres in January and at this point Im watching only because I want to see how they wrap it up. I have very little connection with any of the characters any more and the show has been a directionless mess for two seasons now. And I think Ive worked out why. The writers are inconsistent and everything interesting that happens is for its own sake. Take the school shooting episode as an example. In my opinion, that episode is a prime example of what Glee could have been. If they had furthered that story, it could have been amazing. Instead, within less than an episode it was all over and gone with seemingly no repercussions for any of the characters. The catfishing story could have been great as well. I was genuinely intrigued while it was happening and intrigued as to where they would take it. And then nothing happened. The entirety of Season 5 was a waste of time because absolutely nothing happened. Everyone was exactly where they were at at the beginning of the season as if nothing had changed at all. Every slightly interesting story was used once and disappeared. For every good thing they did, there seemed to be ten bad things. I would have done things so much better. - The break-up of Kurt and Blaine needed to happen. Unfortunately, the writers did it the wrong way. We should have seen it happen. It should have been a slow build involving a new character which made us feel for the new character, Blaine and Kurt in equal amounts. As it was, Blaine came off as a dick and Kurt as overreacting. - The school shooting should have led to some kind of depression with one of the characters that grew over time until it comes to a peak with something. My suggestion would be Tina for this. - Kurt and Blaine should never have gotten engaged. There should have been a slow build and then towards the end of the final season they get engaged. In one of the last episodes they get married. As it is, they got engaged and then nothing. - The catfishing thing should have led to Ryder second-guessing himself and eventually trying things with Unique. - Marleys weight issues should have had a bigger focus and Kitty should have remained a true villain for her, though more in the Santana style. - Mercedes and Sams relationship should have had some kind of lasting effect on one of them. As it is, it was a side thing at best. - Arties story, though I dislike the character, should have been more interesting. Honestly, what even happened? He was dating a few girls and got an STD. Wow. What a feat of story-telling. - Santanas relationship with whats-her-face should have had a bigger focus. - Wills suspension of Marley should have actually led to something. Either an edgier Marley or a winning-obsessed Will. As it was, Will went against /everything/ New Directions stands for by saying that Marley wasnt allowed to express herself properly. This could have been a great tyrannical Will story. But it was over by the beginning of the next episode. Yay. Maybe Im looking at this the wrong way, but everything that happens on this show is pointless now. I want to like Glee, but it annoys me so much. ~Colin, The Master of Whisperers
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 12:19:16 +0000

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