CollectA Xenoceratops Xenoceratops was a distinctive ceratopsid - TopicsExpress


CollectA Xenoceratops Xenoceratops was a distinctive ceratopsid whose name means foreign horn face. The name refers to its status as the only known horned dinosaur from the Foremost Formation, a Late Cretaceous stratigraphic unit in Alberta, Canada. Like most dinosaurs, ceratopsids have traditionally been depicted by artists in varying shades of either brown or green. This years Xenoceratops, however, has a black body with a white underside and neck and a head done up in alternating black and white stripes. Its claws are brown, its eyes and brow horns are black, its frill horns are white, its beak is beige, its tongue is pink, and the small boss on its nose is bright red. And of course, theres the signature CollectA quills over its hips, also black and white. Needless to say, this is a very slick, very unique colour scheme. The Xenoceratops measures about 14 cm long. Its head has been meticulously sculpted in accordance with the existing fossil material. It has large windows in its horned frill and curved brow horns sticking out to the sides, giving it a very alien-like appearance. Its body and limbs are nice and proportional and not in any way exaggerated. Although it is sculpted in a casual walking stance, the thick muscles on its neck and shoulders give it an air of strength. The scales covering its body are smaller and more subtle than on previous CollectA ceratopsids. The Xenoceratops is probably the best ceratopsid CollectA has made to date. Scientifically accurate, finely sculpted, and a great colour scheme. Heres hoping the 2015 assortment is as good! Happy Holidays!
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 17:34:00 +0000

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