Colleen Cluett I would greatly appreciate you sharing this - TopicsExpress


Colleen Cluett I would greatly appreciate you sharing this poem with all your face book friends. My wish is to have this poem reach as many Soldiers as possible!!! I truly want ALL SOLDIERS to know how much I Respect and Admire their bravery, dedication and loyalty to ALL CANADIANS and the sacrifices you have made!!! I am not a Soldier and have never played any role in any form of Military action. I have, however; tried desperately through this poem, to place myself in the position of a soldier who has experienced life on a battle field. This I attempted, solely through my insight. I hope I have not disappointed any soldier who reads my poem. This is the main focus and reason for writing this poem!!!!! The second reason is to get our government, Prime Minister Steven Harper and his cabinet to do what needs and has to be done - make available to ALL SOLDIERS everything and anything that is required and needed for soldiers who came home from any mission they were deployed on and were affected physically, emotionally, any way scarred from their mission!!!! May we always remember, never to forget the Human Beings Our Soldiers who sacrificed so much to make this country - Canada - what it is today!!! Our Soldiers stepped up to the plate and done what was needed and required when asked by their country!!! It is now Canadas - our governments time to step up to the plate....Do what is needed and required for our Soldiers who are in need of any form of service from their country!!! THEY NEVER LET US DOWN IN OUR TIME OF NEED; LET US NOT LET THEM DOWN IN THEIRS!!!! Colleen Cluett Haunting Cries Of A Soldier Fallen On Deaf Ears? I stand here before you a very broken and weathered soul. I can share with you some experiences that I have never told. If you could only see through your eyes some of the sights I have seen through mine; you, too, would be destroyed over how human beings could lose their lives. We are taught from birth onward, through the various stages in our lives; to love one another, no matter the race, creed or color; to put all differences aside. We are to strive to better understand another human beings beliefs and ways; so as to unite and live with one another as we push forward to each new day. This, my friend, is a beautiful, yet camouflaged ideology in life. As I am one who loves and respects every man, woman and child in stride. To believe in the sanctity of a human life as I so intensely and unconditionally did; so drastically and deeply condescends all my actions...physically and emotionally from within. I sit here beside you, I watch as you relentlessly mourn. The son, the daughter you have lost, that has left you so emotionally torn. You contemplate for hours over the path your loved one chose. Wondering if he or she had taken another road, would his or her life not have come to such a horrific close. It has been written that All gave some and some gave All. But rest assured I can with great certainty say to you, sir, that All of us gave All. Yes, I so deeply sympathize with you; your loved one is no longer here. Sir, please believe me when I tell you, the soldiers who came home have an exorbitant cross to bear. Yes sir, I know too well, all my fellow comrades who walked this path with me, are true heroes in their own right; who fought and stood on guard for thee. To lose your son, your daughter through war is so devastating...almost surreal. The only reality that can come close is the soldiers who lived, who have to face an overwhelming ordeal. Let us never forget All those who gave their lives so we could live in peace and harmony. Just as important, is we provide all that is needed to help soldiers who survived and are desperately in need. To lose a son, a daughter while fighting to protect our country or an ally is almost unbearable. To lose a soldier through suicide due to lack of Mental Health and Veterans Affairs services is incomprehensible. Before any politician is allowed to minister within any level of government, to represent our land; he or she should be obligated to have walked a mile within that departments boots on demand. I can guarantee you sir, that politician would never cut the services for the soldiers who gave All. Our government would give all that is needed to the soldiers who now have to deal with not taking the fall. I will follow behind you sir, as you walk to the gate; rest assured, Ill have your back. You can feel safe, comforted; I promise you will never be alone or in the black. As your sons, your daughters soul is now resting in peace; he or she is now Home. Its your sons, your daughters fellow comrades who so desperately need now to mourn. Look now at the grieving soldiers who have returned to their families and home base. Look now at grieving soldiers whose limbs have been blown off, severed, paralyzed; and make no mistake. Not just the physical loses do our soldiers now have to face; do they have to bear; But also the emotional and psychological horrors that have left them in such relentless despair. Be there physically, emotionally, spiritually as your son, daughter, our soldiers all fought. Please be there for the soldiers who gave their All; who are now so desperately distraught. Stop what you are now doing, look into their eyes, listen to what they say as they cry I made it out alive from the war; it took me to come back home to the truly Die! As I return now to my posting here in this cemetary I have guarded for many, many years. I will watch over the final resting place of my comrades; those whom you have shed so many tears. I will continue to comfort those who visit the grave sites of the soldiers who were held dear. You see, sir, I too, was a soldier who lived through the war; who came home in horrific despair. Written By: Colleen Cluett, Kippens, Newfoundland & Labrador April 3, 2014 TO ALL SOLDIERS: This poem was written with the utmost respect for ALL Soldiers; those who lost their lives on any mission while serving our country; those who came back from missions and physically, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually are at peace; and especially the soldiers who are not. The soldiers whose lives are so drastically impacted by such horrific, devastating, overwhelming and surreal visions of inhumane reality you experienced. You lived months on end, weeks, days, hours, minute by minute never knowing from second to second what fate lay ahead of you. It was written in memory of the soldiers who lost their lives on any mission while serving our country and soldiers who returned home and found the post traumatic stress of their missions unbearable and so overwhelming they could not see or feel any physical, emotional, psychological or spiritual peace within themselves. Their entire being was so traumatized by their mission he or she truly believed they could not carry on with their lives. This poem was also written in Honor of you and your struggle to survive your missions only to return home to succumb to the overwhelming reality of the devastating impact war has on the human spirit. God Bless your families and friends. I pray your soul is now at peace and you now know and experience nothing less than pure Eternal Love, Peace and Happiness. My only wish in relation to trying to get others, especially those people who have been blessed with not having to know or experience the real brutality of war, would be to produce a video to bring this poem to life. I deeply apologize for not having the financial means to accomplish this. I truly believe with every cell of my being a video will allow me to show a Humane side to the most Inhumane actions any one person could ever experience in his or her life......War!! To ALL Soldiers I commend you, I thank you, I salute you!!! Respectfully, Colleen
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 06:05:57 +0000

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