College students, watch out for Spring Break party pictures. They - TopicsExpress


College students, watch out for Spring Break party pictures. They could hurt your future career: Washington, DC – As college students across America are heading to and returning from the notorious rite of passage known as Spring Break, corporate recruiters offering advice and answering questions on suggest that jobseekers think more about their personal brand and image on social media. A expert from a large retail company advises, “Keep in mind that recruiters will probably look at what’s public on [social media sites] and could be turned off by crazy party pictures, profanities or questionable jokes. Recruiters use social media to help figure out who you are -- the same way you should be going online and learning about the company.” is a free career advice website where hiring officials from Americas leading employers answer questions for first time job seekers. It was created and is hosted by the HR Policy Association to help new entrants into the workforce get jobs and keep jobs by learning more about interviewing, resumes, professional conduct and other facets of the working world. While questions about interviewing dominate the over 520 asked on, several questions around social media use and personal branding received a lot of attention and answers from the recruiters. Another expert, a campus recruiter at a large consulting company said, “Just as a company thinks about how to market themselves via their own website, think about your social media presence as your own personal brand. Only post pictures, links, and comments on Facebook and other social media sites that you wouldnt be afraid to show a recruiter during the interview process. Also, go even further to utilize social media to help you find an opportunity. Dont be afraid to follow different companies and to connect with them virtually by asking questions and trying to make connections. So many companies are utilizing social media to market their needs, so you should use this fact in your favor.” Hiring professionals on agreed that college students and early-career job seekers should consider social media as a tool for networking, developing professional interests and promoting personal accomplishments. A recruiter from a multinational company said, “Social media channels offer you a great opportunity to build your professional brand, expand your network, share and absorb knowledge, and participate in conversations relevant to your chosen career. An active social media account that demonstrates your expertise/interest in a particular field and your continuous engagement in topics related to your career path can be a great benefit.” Another expert cautioned that when it comes to using social media, “It is very important to think about your brand because it is going to follow you throughout your life and career. Your brand can be a combination of things: your technical skills, your soft skills, your presentation and even your personality. The more you understand about your brand, both the positive and negative - the more you can try and manage it into a positive one!” For additional advice on social media and personal branding, job searching, tips on interviewing and more, visit
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 18:02:09 +0000

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