Colloidal Silver and the Ebola Hysteria The spread of Ebola is - TopicsExpress


Colloidal Silver and the Ebola Hysteria The spread of Ebola is the big news now. And the news media “hysteria machine” (not to mention the end-of-the-world crowd on the internet grapevine) is running full force with scare stories about Ebola’s potential spread -- particularly since it’s been announced that several American victims of Ebola in West Africa are going to be evacuated to the U.S. for treatment. But do we really have a lot to fear from Ebola here in the U.S.? I contend we have a lot less to fear from Ebola than we have to fear from the federal government using the Ebola issue to rob us of more of our freedoms and liberties under the guise of “protecting” us from a largely manufactured “national health crisis.” That’s the bad news. The potentially good news is this: Way back in 2008 the federal government itself demonstrated the fact that antimicrobial silver is, under certain conditions which I’ll explain below, extremely effective against Ebola and other hemorrhagic fever viruses. In fact, two years ago I was able to obtain from the U.S. Department of Defense formerly classified documents they probably now wish they’d never de-classified. These documents explain the positive results achieved by the DOD when testing antimicrobial silver against these deadly viruses. So with all of that said, here’s my somewhat contrarian view regarding the current Ebola “crisis,” as well as what I’ve discovered so far about the potential for colloidal silver’s effectiveness against this deadly virus… Hi, Steve Barwick here, for TheSilverEdge… How soon we forget how shrewdly the federal government used the overblown anthrax scare directly after 9-11 to rob us of many of our precious Constitutional rights. After the anthrax scare we witnessed the institution of illegal spying on America citizens, unconstitutional search and seizures, and severely diminished due process of law. We also forget how the news media later whipped up the so-called “Bird flu” hysteria, followed by the “Swine flu” hysteria. Through these manufactured crises, various departments of the federal government were able to pass new “guidelines” and regulations on the detention and quarantine of U.S. citizens These can now be used by the federal government to restrict travel at a moment’s notice, arrest and detain individuals, and even quarantine entire cities during a declared “national health emergency.” That’s why I’m extremely skeptical of the current so-called “Ebola crisis.” Yes, I understand how virulent and deadly Ebola and other hemorrhagic fever viruses are. And yes, I also understand that the federal government is now said to be bringing Ebola victims to the U.S. for treatment. And I understand what a threat that could pose should the virus ultimately get loose and go rogue in this country. thesilveredge/colloidal-silver-and-the-ebola-hysteria.shtml#.U-AAYJLKaSo
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 22:09:42 +0000

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