Colloidal Silver for Dogs, Cats, Horses, Reptiles and Other Pets - TopicsExpress


Colloidal Silver for Dogs, Cats, Horses, Reptiles and Other Pets If you’re a pet owner, colloidal silver is a “must have” product in the home. It’s not only a potentially life-saving product for times when your pets might have infections – ranging from minor to major -- but it’s also the perfect home disinfectant, sanitizer and deodorizer. And that’s important whether your pets are indoor pets or outdoor pets. What’s more, colloidal silver can be used for all kinds of pets, including dogs, cats, horses, reptiles, birds, hamsters, and more. In the following article you’ll learn literally dozens of ways pet lovers are using colloidal silver to heal infections and disease, and to keep their pets and healthy and happy. Some of the uses you’ll read about are quite unusual, and some are quite literally life-saving. So if you love your pets as much as I love mine, don’t miss this article… I’m frequently asked about using colloidal silver for pet health. Usually, the questions are very specific, such as “My dog has XYZ condition. How much colloidal silver should I give him?” Or, my cat has XYZ condition. What’s the proper dosage of colloidal silver?” Of course, Im not a veterinarian. So I’m not qualified to answer specific questions about a specific animals health problem. And by FDA regulation, colloidal silver is a nutritional supplement, not a medicine. So when there are very specific medical-related issues, it’s always best to run them by your local veterinarian. The most I can do, as a natural health journalist, is report on what other people have done, or what I’ve done myself for my pets when I use colloidal silver as a nutritional adjunct for their health and well-being. Pet Skin Problems One of the most frequently asked questions seems to be about pets skin problems. Whenever I’ve encountered skin problems on my own dogs or cats, I’ve simply sprayed 10 ppm strength colloidal silver onto their skin several times a day until the problem is resolved. Sometimes, when the problem has been particularly stubborn, I’ve had to use a good colloidal silver gel, such as ASAP Ultimate Skin & Body Care Gel (contains 24 ppm colloidal silver) from American Biotech (available on Amazon) and have simply rubbed it into the affected skin several times a day. Being careful, of course, to wash thoroughly afterwards so I dont pick up any potential bugs myself. For more stubborn pet skin problems, some people tell me they’ve used stronger topical colloidal silver gel or cream products to good effect, such as SilverPure Cream (with 35,000 ppm nanosilver) from SilverPure. There are many other good colloidal silver creams and gels, and you can read about some of them in my article “Germ-Busting Colloidal Silver Creams and Gels.” While there’s very little clinical data on using colloidal silver for pet’s skin problems, there’s lots of human data – both clinical and anecdotal. And that data points to colloidal silver being extremely beneficial for the skin as a mineral supplement. For example, it’s used in hospital burn wards, in the form of prescription silver sulfadiazine cream, to help prevent infection in severe burns and to stimulate the healing of damaged skin. Indeed, one of my very first experiences with silver for healing was when I was prescribed Silvadene cream for severe sunburn blisters all over my face and neck after a weekend fishing trip in the Colorado mountains. I was stunned to see how quickly my face healed after the application of the Silvadene cream, which, of course, contains silver sulfadiazine. In pets, using plain old liquid colloidal silver (10 ppm strength) as topical mineral supplement, I’ve seen cases of rough, dry, eczema-like sloughing skin healed in a matter of days. And I’ve seen cases of mange healed in a week or so. I’ve also seen cases of tiny pimple-like “bumps” all over a dog’s belly healed in about a week with topical application of liquid colloidal silver, sprayed onto the affected area of the skin several times a day and allowed to air dry. Finally, I’ve also seen it work when sprayed on dog’s ears that get infected from excessive scratching due to itching. It not only relieves the itching, but the skin seems to heal up like magic by simply spraying it onto the affected areas several times a day and allowing it to air dry. Pet Tummy Problems Pets, of course, are susceptible to tummy problems – probably because they’ll eat just about anything when you’re not looking. And again, there’s no clinical literature documenting when, or how much, colloidal silver to give pets for tummy issues. But there’s no doubt based on anecdotal accounts that it does indeed work to help soothe and heal tummy issues in dogs, cats and other animals. Most pet owners who are versed in colloidal silver usage have told me they give their pets 10 ppm colloidal silver orally, for several days to a week or so. Since there’s virtually no clinical literature whatsoever on how much colloidal silver to give to animals, you have to judge by the pets size/weight. This takes a little bit of experience, working with your own animals and seeing how they respond. Small dogs get as much as 5 mL colloidal silver two or three times a day using a plastic syringe (without the needle, of course) to squirt it into their mouths. And larger dogs might get as much as 10 mL colloidal silver orally, two or three times a day, via a plastic syringe. Colloidal silver can also be mixed into their wet food, or added to a small bowl of drinking water if the pet wont take it orally otherwise. For example, when I treated my full-grown Chow, named Red Dog, with colloidal silver for a serious stomach infection that had left him incapacitated, I gave him 10 ppm colloidal silver orally, in a 15 mL plastic syringe, squirting two or three syringe-fulls down his throat two or three times a day, for about three days. I then tapered off by half for several more days, and tapered off by half again for several days until he completely recovered and I was able to stop giving it to him altogether. You might be surprised to know that sometimes, when our dogs seem to be sick or lethargic, we even just set a little glass bowlful of pure, undiluted 10 ppm colloidal silver out and allow them to drink from it as they please. If a pet wont drink it undiluted like that, sometimes we just mix an ounce of 10 ppm colloidal silver with three or four ounces of distilled water, and set it out for the pet to drink. If they won’t drink it undiluted, they’ll usually drink it diluted. Our animals seem to have an innate knowledge that the colloidal silver is good for them, and theyll drink anywhere from a few laps of it, to the entire bowlful if they really feel they need it. But if the pet wont drink it undiluted, or mixed into its regular water bowl, then sometimes you have to get a plastic syringe, without the needle, of course, and squirt it into the pets mouth, as I demonstrate in the video on Pets and Colloidal Silver. How Pet Owners Use Colloidal Silver On the Testimonials page of TheSilverEdge website there are tons of enlightening testimonials from pet owners who have successfully used colloidal for various pets. But youll have to wade through all of the human testimonials to find the ones regarding pets. So for your convenience, here are just a few eye-opening “pets and colloidal silver” accounts: “My pets, my gosh! I simply cannot afford to take my pets to the vet for every little thing that comes along such as an eye infection, ear infection, skin irritations & abscesses. I own 5 cats & 1 dog, and treating my pets with Colloidal Silver has saved me tons of money! Here are a few examples: My cats are indoor/outdoor cats, therefore they are always getting into something. I make sure that each cat gets a dose of Colloidal Silver at least 3 times a week. I put 1/4 teaspoon into a shot glass, siphon it into a medicine syringe, then directly squirt it into their mouths. They each have their own syringe, and this way I know that each one of them have gotten their dose, along with their individual supplements that I give them. They love plain yogurt, so some days I just put the Colloidal Silver in the yogurt! If my cats act like they’re not feeling good, I will give them Colloidal Silver everyday, 2-3 times a day, at the above dosage. It hasnt failed me yet! Eye infections, due to irritants or a scratched eye, can be common. I use a dropper to put 1-2 drops of silver in their eye. I do this 2 times a day for 2-3 days (longer if needed). Their eye will be noticeably better after only 1 treatment! One of my cats had allergies, and will develop areas of skin irritation on his body. Depending where the area is, I will either spray Colloidal Silver or apply it with a Q-tip to the irritation once a day. Once I get the irritation under control, I only need to apply it every other day to keep it that way! One of my other cats had been in a fight. Unknown to me, he developed an abscess. When it finally broke open, it was horrible with nasty green pus coming out of it. I immediately did a Colloidal Silver wash on it, using a medicine syringe to apply the silver. I did this twice a day for the first few days, along with 1 teaspoon of silver internally twice a day. I then reduced both treatments to once a day for a few more days. The abscess quickly cleared up and my cat was back in action! I have a Golden Retriever that will develop ear infections every summer due to excessive swimming. In the past I would treat him with medicine from the vet. He basically would be on this medicine all summer since we have our own pool, and would swim almost every day. Now I treat him with Colloidal Silver! After hes done swimming for the day, I put 3-4 drops into each ear, massage the base of his ear for a minute or two, then let him shake his head. It has worked. No more infections! My Golden Retriever (90lbs.) also gets Colloidal Silver 3 times a week. I give him approx. 1 1/2-2 tablespoons in his yogurt. There are so many ways that I use Colloidal Silver that I havent mentioned, due to the fact that I simply dont have enough time right now! I have found that its OK to experiment with a dosage to find what works for me because there is no set rule, just common sense. The Colloidal Silver Ive spoke about and use is 7-10 ppm concentration and is made with a Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator which I purchased from TheSilver Edge. I love it & consider it to be one of the best investments Ive made! Due to my recommendation, a few of my friends have purchased the same generator, and they also are very pleased with their purchase!” -- Diane L., Erie, MI Here’s another anecdotal account you might find interesting and helpful: “I have a friend at work whose dog had a sore that would not heal. She had tried all sorts of things. I made a bottle of silver for her and she just sprayed it all weekend on the sore every chance she could and it healed so fast she couldn’t believe it!” -- Steve C., Toronto, Canada Here’s an account from a reader who helped a co-worker heal his dogs ear infections with colloidal silver: “I gave some Colloidal Silver to a co-worker because his dog continually would get ear infections, and he couldnt afford the medication from the vet. His dog no longer gets ear infections. He takes a Q-tip with Colloidal Silver on it and puts it in the dog’s ear. I think he does this 1x per month.“ -- Sherri Here’s a brief account from a reader whose son healed a nasty case of mange on his son’s pet dog: “My husband and I have been using the colloidal silver on a daily basis - primarily for general good health - noticing the increased energy that we both have been feeling. We brought the Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator from The Silver Edge along with us when we visited our son, daughter-in-law and two grandsons this summer. I was shocked when I saw their dear dog, Pepper, who had the worst case of mange I’ve ever seen. Big areas of skin were bare, scabbed and flaky and she would rub up against the house to scratch her sides from the tortuous itch. Our son told us of all the trips to the vet for different remedies that didnt work. Well, I got some canning jars and distilled water and made some micro-particle colloidal silver that day. I told our son to get a spray bottle to spray her down that evening. He did. The next morning there was a noticeable difference in her skin - almost no flakiness and she looked a lot less miserable. Each day we saw improvement and hair growth. By the end of the week she looked happier and wasnt scratching. Now her coat is perfect and glossy - back to her lovely self.” -- M.S.M. Oklahoma City, OK And here’s an account of colloidal silver being used to save a Golden Retriever puppy from a bad case of puppy strangles: “At around 10 weeks old my golden retriever puppy came down with puppy strangles, an auto immune disease that usually is fatal, and if not leaves massive hair loss and scarring about the dogs face. All he did was lay around, I had to carry him out and hold him to go to the bathroom. I took him to the vet, but the prognosis was not good. They gave me antibiotics and told me to hope for the best. I started giving him straight colloidal silver in his water. Each time a bump came up on his face we sprayed it with the silver and the bump would go away. He loved it when we sprayed him and seemed to sense it was helping him. Needless to say as of this writing he is a lean 95 pounds of energy. I know it was micro-particle colloidal silver that saved his life!” -- Phil D., Des Moines, IA Colloidal silver is also often used by pet owners to help heal cuts and scratches. For example: “Our dog tangled with a bear. Its eye was bloody - we sprayed Colloidal Silver - within minutes she was prancing around the barn as if nothing had ever happened. The cow had problems. We put Colloidal Silver in her water - whatever it was is gone!!! The goat had pink eye - Colloidal Silver took care of it.” -- Gramma Bea Riley, Riley Farms Some pet owners have even sprayed colloidal silver directly into their pet’s eyes, to help the body heal eye infections. This is not surprising, as it works for humans as well, as you’ll learn in my short video on using colloidal silver to heal eye infections. Here’s an anecdotal account from a reader whose cousin used colloidal silver in his dog’s eyes and on the surrounding skin to help heal an infection: “My cousin came and asked to borrow a bottle of colloidal silver to spray her dogs eyes with it and the surrounding skin infection on its scalp. She reports to me that the ‘stuff’ was awesome and cleared everything up for her canine friend. All in all, I cant say enough about the benefits that I experience using colloidal silver that I make myself with The Silver Edge Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator. It was an excellent investment well, worth the reasonable price. I was paying $30 a seven ounce bottle in my local health food store for colloidal silver, so the generator paid for itself in no time.” -- DH, Charleston, WV And here’s a very interesting personal anecdotal account from a reader who travels a lot with her husband in their RV, along with their pet “rescue dog”: Our little ‘Rescue Dog’ Buddy, a Jack Russell Terrier, is 7 1/2 years old, weighs 22 lbs, and weve owned him for 2 1/2 years. We are his 3rd owners. We are full time RVers and had been in Washington State for 6 months. When we came to the Mojave Desert area in California, Buddy started feeling ill and was drinking a lot of water and having muscle spasms in his left rear leg. He was also digging at his tail and both sides of his rear quarters as if his skin was dry. We thought the 90-degree desert heat was the cause. So we took him to a vet in California who prescribed Rimadyl for leg spasms. (Have since found out this might have started kidney problem). We then moved to Tempe, AZ (94+ degrees) and he still wasnt being his ol Jack Russell self. We took him to a local vet and they did a blood panel. Sugar diabetes was ruled out. The urine test showed he had a kidney infection, and the vet wanted us to get a prescription filled for it (Augmentin). Because calcium was elevated on the blood work, they wanted us to bring him back for more testing and MRIs to see if he might have a tumor or kidney stones and to do another biopsy on the fatty place on his right quarter. (We had to think about this, as they wanted another $700 for these procedures and we feel MRIs could cause cancer). We couldnt find the Augmentin at any of the local pharmacies. We were told they would have to order it and it would take about 1 week to get. Rather than wait, I simply increased the amount of colloidal silver I usually gave Buddy, instead. MIRACLE: He is now back to normal and all symptoms are gone.
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 04:19:48 +0000

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