Colonial masters have tied the destinies of former colonies to the - TopicsExpress


Colonial masters have tied the destinies of former colonies to the apron strings of imperialism through the enforcement of the dictatorship of adious debts and still persist with Land theft and plundering of the natural resources as we see the imperialist backed colonial continuity in what is today called South Africa (Azania) . As victims of these crimes we are turned into villains as the struggle against imperialism intensifies . All that has to be done in this situation is nothing more than advancement of the unity efforts of the Black working class majority through practical revolutionary programme such as a direct challenge to the IMF and the World Bank to cancel all Apartheid debts since such debts continue to be a predicament or stumble block towards this countrys development and the break to the past , as it is with still bearing a colonial name . The collective conditions of the Black majority in Azania helped define their struggle , it was on those premise that our struggle was first to re-establish and reconstruct oursleves into a national majority which shall rally together in the fight against imperialist backed Apartheid and Capitalism. Advocates of Black solidarity are correct in insisting that all of us must join our forces in seeking our own solution to our common problem.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 19:27:15 +0000

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