Colony 6. Part 3/- We talked a little bit more before sliding - TopicsExpress


Colony 6. Part 3/- We talked a little bit more before sliding onto anther subject. Slowly making our way out of the ship on to the battered white moon, towards Colony 6s main depressurised door. We were immediate sucked into the dark and cold. We entered into the door where the pressure was put into the room. We took off our helmets and prepared for decontamination, which took 4 minutes. After decontamination, we entered into the control room where we were immediately greeted by some scientists from all over the world. Welcome to Colony 6. Well keep the tour brief and then youll be placed at your posts A Japanese scientist greeted. Yes maam, but can we have some rest before we go to our post? I asked. Of course Captain... Gary, come over here she ordered. Gary jumped up from behind a computer, he wore thick square black glasses and his hair was pushed to one side and like all scientist here, he wore a white overcoat with bits and bobs in the pocket. Yes Miyukii? He addressed. Show the Captain and his squad here, around the base, then escort them to their rooms. Theyll be starting tomorrow she replied, turning away and returning to her work. Gary looked tiny compared to me. He walked over to a door that slid open as he got close. Right then... Follow me I suppose he said meekly. Some of us laughed but we followed anyway. Colony 6 had to had been the width of a small town and the height of a 8 story building only the air tunnels that we had to pass through to get from dome to dome were probably 20ft wide and 40ft tall. The domes have two sectors having two control rooms. Alpha and Delta. There were small domes attached to the larger domes, these were things like storage rooms or a satellite room. Two of them even consists of a call for help beacon. And here are you rooms. Youll be split into 2 groups, one will patrol Delta and one Alpha. Anything you need goes through Miyukii and or Charles he says walking to the door... ~ Screaming Nightmare.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 08:34:17 +0000

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