Colt and Rosettas Fan Fic Part 3 Colts Point of - TopicsExpress


Colt and Rosettas Fan Fic Part 3 Colts Point of View ......... The town square was more silent than ever. Effie locked eyes with mine and I saw question and what couldve been taken for excitement as the Peacekeepers escorted my up to the stage and she asked my name. Colt Undercare, I said evenly. Lets give a hand to Colt Undercare, Effie said cheery and clapped her hands together, and stood alone doing it. The whole town square had their hands raised with the first three fingers outstretched saluting me. I stood tall and proud as she called a female tribute. Morgan Heavener! I watched as a girl emerged from the crowd, from my year in school. She was a quiet and shy girl but strangely looked happy to have her named reaped. We shook hands and were lead up into the Justice Building and put into our rooms to say our goodbyes for the last time. I took a breath feeling nervous as the door opened but swayed back in pain as Ash punched my eye with all his strength. When I regained my balance I looked back up and saw my father scolding him. What the hell were you thinking, Ash growled. I couldnt let Harvey go to the Games. Ive been hunting long and have more skill than him. Colt there were other boys that wouldve volunteered, he said still angry. Im sorry I just couldnt chance it, I said shrugging. I felt bad for not telling them the whole truth but the fewer who knew the better. Listen son you can do this. Just focus on things you dont know and practice what you do know, okay? I will. If you have any of your grandmothers blood in ya, you can do this and win. My grandmothers? What do they have to do with anything? On both my side and your mothers they were Victors. Time, a Peacekeeper said and with a few nods Ash and my father left. I felt hope knowing that my family had conquered the arena and the Games. When the door opened next it was Harvey and I relaxed. This was your plan, he asked harshly. Its the only way Harv, its the only way I can bring her home safe. Did you think about what would happen if its not possible? It is. It has to be. Harvey sigh and looked at me hard, I returned the gaze assuring and he nodded but looked at me funny, What happened? Ash punched me, I simply and Harvey nodded again, serious. Bring her home Colt. For Gale and yourself. I will. I promise, let Gale know that. To my surprise Harvey moved close and hugged me, squeezing tight until the Peacekeeper called time and he left. I stood alone for what seemed eternity but was taken by the arm and led to the car that takes us to the train. I noticed Morgan was crying, but didnt really attempt to comfort her as I rubbed my sore cheek bone that I was sure was swelling. I was let out of the car and stood looking for where to go, but instead saw Gale walking towards me with streaked cheeks. I didnt see, however, the fist he had ready until it can flying me and connected with my chin. I fell to the ground but was pulled to my feet and taken to the train. Before I could register what exactly happen I was laid on a bed and I felt relieving coldness on my face and sighed a thank you to the unknown helper and drifted off to the sleep pulling at me....... Rosettas Point of View ............. I resisted the urge to scream as they pulled the claw out of my leg, but soon I didnt feel anything and watched as a man took the claw and carried it to a large tub and threw it in with a loud clang of metal on metal. I laid there for a while staring blankly at the ceiling before I was lifted into a wheelchair and taken to a room with a man standing at the window. From his white hair and the strongly intoxicating sweet smell within the room I knew who I was with. President Snow. I will admit I wish I had men with half your accuracy. Your leg would probably be in much better shape if I did, he said but I stayed quiet. Ms. Hawthorne you do know why you were shot down today dont you? I sighed, I was hunting outside the District fence. Yes and may I ask why? Because I refuse to watch the families of my friends and my own starve! In just the past few months youve taken more from the Districts than ever and we are dying on the streets while you all rally up here in the Capitol for the Games, I said angered and standing before resorting to use the desk as a support. Snow looked at me amused but also with something I couldnt put a known emotion to but it made me go cold, however, I stood my ground. Ms. Hawthorne do you realize the punishment of this crime? Death, I said though my voice came out harsher and more poisonous than I thought. Snow turned and fully faced me and leaned on his desk glaring at me. Ms. Hawthorne maybe you should see the tributes for District 12 this year, he said just as poisonous and I turned to a projection in the air and went still. District 12s escort, Effie, stood and called out Harvey from the ball but a clear familiar voice shot out like a bullet to my heart. Colt volunteered. I watched as he stood tall and still his face like stone with no emotion. Oddly I wanted to smile, he didnt want anyone to have the satisfaction of his grief. The screen then glitches to the car that tribute are taken in to the train. As Colt got out suddenly Gale appeared with a tight fist a struck his chin, I gasped inwardly and cursed him in my head. The screen disappeared and I turned back to Snow, his eyes sparkling with amusement. Take her to Recovery, he said in a dismissive tone and I was pushed back into the wheelchair. As for the other opperation? Let her rest now then we will proceed the operation in the Capitol. Youre in for it now, a woman sighed as she wheeled me down the hall. I was telling the truth, I grumbled and then the woman revealed her face and helped me onto the bed. I know but you didnt have to be so hostile, did you learn that from Colt? I looked at the woman startled, wondering how she knew of Colt in the way. When she smiled it clicked in my mind and I gasped realizing I was in front of Colts mothers mother, who won the Games but never came home....... *to be continued* Hope you guys like these, sorry its been so long! 3+ likes for more? |Katniss Black|
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 03:13:06 +0000

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