Column 8 The Sixth “Day” Interpreting the Bible - TopicsExpress


Column 8 The Sixth “Day” Interpreting the Bible Three days ago we proved the existence of God, and destroyed the conflict between the creationists and the evolutionists, by correcting the meaning of the Hebrew word “yom” which is traditionally translated as “day.” That detailed the fact that the author of Genesis 1 had a knowledge of the creation of the universe that was impossible for anyone 2600 to 3500 years ago to know, unless they were enlightened by a real, living, God. We then went on to correct the mistranslation of “second, third, fourth, and fifth.” Today we will try to get “sixth,” corrected. The Hebrew word that is translated as “sixth” is written, “shin, shin, yod,” the three letters are preceded with a “he.” Strong ignores the “he” (it is translated as “the” but there was no “the” in original Hebrew) and classifies “shin, shin, yod” as his word #8345 (Hebrew dictionary) which is listed as meaning “sixth.” This cannot be correct so we must divide the word and search for a meaning. Since Moses placed the “he” in front of these letters, it had a meaning and we must account for it in translation. Strong does not give us a Hebrew word spelled “he, shin, shin, yod.” Nor does Strong give us a word for “he, shin.” That means that the letters stand alone, like “I” or “A” do in English. The “shin, yod,” is Strong’s word # 7862 meaning “gift (as available):-- present.” That leaves the “he, shin.” The original meaning of the “he” standing alone, is “here.” The original meaning of the “shin” standing alone is “to return.” Together they would have meant, “here, return, a gift.” Grace of God is a gift, we cannot earn it, it is freely given. The grace of God insures us of eternal life. At this point in the creation account, God is giving all of His creation, eternal life. I have been asked, “if God gave us resurrection at creation, why did Jesus have to come and die.” Well, the answer is obvious, it is because of what is parabled in chapters two and three of Genesis. Yes, Chapters two and three are the beginning of parables in the Bible. The story of Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden, is not a factual retelling of events that actually happened, but a parable of events that symbolize what happened. Many theologians and scholars today classify these accounts of creation as “myths.” There are no “myths” in the Bible, only parables that accurately portray the events of the time. Just as God gave Moses an accurate account of how the universe and our planet was created. God also gave him the stories of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Moses was writing these stories around 600 years after those things happened. Moses was writing them to help teach his people what not to do, by explaining what happens when someone disobeys the commands of God, as well as what can happen when some of the common customs and traditions of their ancestors were followed. We will get into them in greater detail later. Grace or “gift” as it is written here is “shin, yod,” is derived from the original meaning, “to return, to life.” The full meaning of the four letters originally meant, “here, return, again, to live.” Which is essentially saying, “a gift of resurrection.” The second letter was actually a way of saying “again,” so the word should read “ here return again to live,” or “resurrection.” That gives us a final line for Genesis 1 of “And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And this blended together with what was breaking forth and here gave us resurrection. Tomorrow we will work on some other words in Genesis 1 that add to the proof of God’s existence, that we must deal with prior to being able to read Genesis 1 as Moses wrote it. Gary Sechler With knowledge on loan from God
Posted on: Sat, 14 Sep 2013 12:07:07 +0000

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