Come Catch the Spirit with us! Sunday, August 18, 2013! Who do - TopicsExpress


Come Catch the Spirit with us! Sunday, August 18, 2013! Who do think of when you think of the Bible “heroes” who have shown great faith? Are they the great people and leaders of their day – special people with special gifts and privileges? Or are they “normal people” of their time who heard and responded to God’s call for their lives? Pastor Tim will be asking questions like these, and more, when he takes a look at what “Normal Faith” means this Sunday. Our scripture passage for this week is taken from the New Testament letter to the Hebrews -- Chapter 11, verse 29 through Chapter 12, verse 2 -- which speaks to the faith of other Israelite heroes and the example that Jesus gives us as the “pioneer and perfecter of our faith.” We will use these insights as well as we seek to understand more about the call to be faithful. Teresa Rawson will be leading us in all aspects of music in worship this week. She will be joined by her daughter Riley on French horn for the prelude – the 3^rd movement, Concerto No. 2 in Eb Major, “Rondo” by Mozart -- and will offer her own special music with the song “Somebody Bigger Than You and I.” Dr. Terence Joiner will be serving as liturgist. Our team of “Terrys” will be joined by all the others in our church family who usher, acolyte, count the offering, prepare for fellowship, and more; be sure to thank them for their efforts, as they give of their time and energy to make worship a meaningful experience this week – and every week. As summer draws to a close, and many of us prepare for school to start, the church is preparing for its fall programming as well. The next First Edition newsletter will be published on August 27, and the deadline for submitting material for the newsletter is this coming Thursday, August 22. If you are a leader of church activities, this is a perfect time to “get the word out” about what’s coming up at the church, so don’t miss this opportunity to share your plans! Please contact Jeff in the church office if you have any questions. We also have a special opportunity next Sunday – August 25. The Reverend Ricardo Angarita from the Colombian Methodist Church will be preaching at both worship services next Sunday, and he will be speaking later that day at 4pm here at Ypsi First on the topic of “Inside the Armed Conflict in Colombia.” Rev. Angarita has unique experience with the varied actions in favor of peace that are being developed from the grassroots, and will reflect on the visions of hope and the challenges to action that the Colombian reality present to the body of Christ. All are welcome; light refreshments will be served. It will be a festive weekend at the church with the Heritage Festival going on in Ypsilanti; the blessings of community will be evident all around us. What better way to thank God for the goodness He brings to our lives than to celebrate together in worship? Come – Catch the Spirit this Sunday!
Posted on: Fri, 16 Aug 2013 23:41:39 +0000

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