Come and discover your Shining Golden Light – the Presence of - TopicsExpress


Come and discover your Shining Golden Light – the Presence of your Heart! Anette Carlström will visit Istanbul giving a powerful group Workshop named LIVING in ONENESS, sharing the joyful powerful Energy Transmission of Divine with the Oneness Meditation and give private sessions of Cranial Sacral Therapy to ease the nerveous system of any stress related symptoms and channel Healing Eneriges into the body. This Workshop and Oneness Meditation will make your inner journey clear, joyful, and more aware. This is the time for taking a big & joyful improvement step to ONENESS within you to make your life full of awareness, connectedness, fulfillment and peace with the guidance of Anette. Date & Time : October 18th 2014, Saturday / İstanbul – Erenkoy Workshop Hours : 5.30 pm – 9:30 pm (Turkish local time) For reservation & details contact: onenessetkinlik@gmail For private sessions & workshop we have limited place, please consider to make the reservation before October 8th 2014. WORKSHOP : LIVING IN ONENESS Humanity has evolved greatly in the material world with the scientific and technological advances that make the mundane life more comfortable. But most people are unhappy. Despite all the advances and inventions, we as a people are still not happy. We’ve landed in an inhuman world where we are unable to get out of war, threat of terrorist attacks and the increasingly visible international economic crisis. Conflict and aggression intervene in our social, economic and religious systems. This is because we have not put any value in the internal world. In our crazy chasing after the material happiness, we have forgotten the source of our chaos inside, our inner sorrow. We give ourselves to the various pursuits in order “not to feel the emptiness inside us”, we stay busy in an attempt to outrun the inner emptiness. The consequence of this flight from reality causes mental stress, conflict within families, communities and ultimately leads to global conflict. When there are hurt and distrust, we are moving away from our center where we are all One. A healing of the heart, to discover love as an all-embracing state of consciousness is a way to return to the unity and harmony with life. Life is always a movement that arises and ceases, alternating between order and chaos. We have reached a point where the disorder and conflict dominate our world, and this flow of life is now drawn to move towards order and unity, to bring a peaceful, dynamic and harmonious system giving free play to individual creativity and initiative but based on cooperation and unity. Oneness Deeksha is an energy transfer that puts you in touch with your heart, an awakening to a higher intelligence in which you naturally move towards harmony and acceptance in your life and you will experience yourself without the constant resistance and activity of the mind chatter. It allows you to bring life to a level of order and Oneness. All you need to go into an awakening of the Heart is passion in which you are concerned about humanity and the suffering of all life. If you have the passion within you, you would quickly be brought to the heart’s True Nature. Then, your presence and awareness naturally arises to help others go into a higher consciousness. We are psychologically inseparable from the rest of humanity. Each individual who awakens to the Oneness affects automatically thousands more to help humanity to grow towards a greater sense of reality and to discover new ways of living and loving. Together we create a better planet for the present and future. Remember that every challenge comes in the form of conflict and division. It takes us to a flowering heart and leads us to a larger order and Oneness. Out of chaos Oneness and Unity is born. Do not be afraid to face your inner suffering. It will lead you to endless freedom and causeless joy. When we are really happy, it will affect the entire world because the world is within ourselves. Anette will give Sacro Cranial Therapy in private sessions: During a treatment the cranial plates in the scull are unlocked with very small gentle pressures and movements that create free ways for the cerebrospinal fluid. It can then reach out and give nourishment to the entire central nervous system for optimal healing. The treatment is experienced as deeply relaxing. The sacro cranial system is intimately connected to all cells in the body, nervous system, movement, digestion, hormones, reproduction system, circulation, breathing, immune defence, lymph system etc. With other words it reaches and affects all the problems we have, both physical and mental, and strengthens the body’s own capacity to heal itself. What symptoms are treated in an individual session? The most usual symptoms that are treated in an individual treatment are all stress related injuries, such as: Burnout Headache, Migraine, Psoriasis, PMS, Depression, Neck pain, Hips Feet- and wrist problems, Tennis arm, Allergy, Dizziness, Hormone disorders, Agony Back pain, Whiplash injuries, Numb fingers, Sleeping disorder, Skin problem, Stomach and intestine problems, Nervousness and anxiety. Everyone Welcome!
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 09:17:10 +0000

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