Come on down for the second of our Workers’ Lecture Series - TopicsExpress


Come on down for the second of our Workers’ Lecture Series featuring Randy Jamrock, Permaculturist, Wobbly Randy will explain what Permaculture is, talk about the overlap between Permaculture and the IWW, and explain some tactics that Wobblies can utilize from Permaculture design. Randy Jamrok holds two Permaculture Design Course Certificates from Midwest Permaculture (2012 & 2013). He also studied Permaculture with Austrian “Rebel Farmer” Sepp Holzer at an Urban Permaculture workshop in Detroit, assisting with the installation of a Kratergarten (Crater Garden) as a workshop participant. He has been a wobbly for five years. Randy believes –along with Masanabu Fukuoka—that farmers should not have to toil, but be immersed in creative production of food and poetry. Randy has cultivated a small but intensive urban Permaculture garden in Indiana for 5 years which includes a hugelkultur bed, perennial and annual plantings, a focus on food crops, and includes nut trees and berries. Randy believes that designing our material conditions as well as social structures based on the principles nature uses (which is the basis of Permaculture) is the answer to humanity’s problems.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 01:35:50 +0000

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