Come out of her my people, (Revelation 18) occurs at the opening - TopicsExpress


Come out of her my people, (Revelation 18) occurs at the opening of the 6th Seal, when the Believer is evacuated Raptured. We know that the her referred here in this scripture is Mystery Babylon. Consider that this description of the rapture event is not an exclusive to the harlot (USA), but is rather a detailed description concerning the inhabitants of the Harlot and is actually the same rapture event that is occurring around the planet. The plagues referred to here in this scripture are judgments that are also detailed in earlier chapters of Revelation, thus certain descriptions of same events in greater detail in the book of Revelation are not necessarily describing different events, but are often describing the same event of early mention in more detail. A mistake we have made is attempting to interpret the events described in the book of Revelation in sequence or cosmological order. The sixth seal rapture event signals the initiation of the same destruction of the Mother of Harlots, the United States of America, a judgment that is also described in multiple other chapters of Revelation. Of course the Harlot has literally influenced ALL of the inhabitants of the earth, the true definition of a world empire. The mother of harlots has given birth to many harlots who comprise the system of the final Beast Empire. These nations all participate in economic structures that are controlled by world bankers, who in reality continue to operate through the US economy as it continues to fail by design and will soon collapse to global currency control that is already waiting in the wings of Hell. As soon as this global crash occurs, the man of lawlessness will swiftly seize global leadership prominence. This complete transition comes by the end of 2017. Sometime thereafter, Mystery Babylon the Harlot will be burned up with fire. You see how close we are. Before she burns, the Believer is evacuated from the Earth. The harlot will soon be discarded, (burned up by fire) in favor of a global entity and ultimately replaced by the same one who was ridden by the harlot for years and who has grown to hate her for the experience! The 7th Empire, Mystery Babylon the Harlot, the MOTHER of harlots (nations), the whore who gave birth to many other whores will be discarded like a cheap whore, once she has fulfilled her purpose. The man of lawlessness is gaining access to the world stage ... In his OWN words: https://youtube/watch?v=iKPeKuksIa8 , through his precarious relationship to the Whore who currently bridles, (controls him by the teeth), his true evil ambitions until he throws her off in order to rule the world and capture Jerusalem. Never forget, his evil eye is on Jerusalem! In reality the call to, come out of her My people is a call to ALL Believers around the planet, inhabitants of the nations who have been sever influenced over the centuries by the mother who gave birth to harlots around the globe. Even thou the description of this event is recorded in the 18th chapter and refers to inhabitants of the Harlot, the event is in fact a more detailed description of the SAME event that occurs in earlier chapters of Revelation describing the SAME rapture evacuation and NOT necessarily a chronological order of sequence of history to come. Now, there are seven heads (Empires) that lead up to the final global empire of the Beast. The antichrist will be preceded by 7 kings or rulers. He will be the 8th king. He will also be of the 7th... HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE? - Revelation 17:11 5217 hupago (hoop-ag-o); from 5259 and 71; to lead (oneself) under, I.e. The word means to withdraw or retire (as if sinking out of sight), literally or figuratively: KJV-- depart, get hence, go (a-) way. The number of historically recorded WORLD RULING EMPIRES, represented by only a handful of MAJOR governmental powers, whose sphere of authority and military influence literally CONTROLLED for a season of time all other known world citizens of its day. To date the exact uncontested number of these ruling empire entities IS 7 in total. 1 Egypt 2 Assyria 3 Babylon 4 Medo-Persia 5 Greece 6 Rome 7 Mystery Babylon, (THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA) THE 8th and FINAL EMPIRE RISES OUT OF 7th and IS THE GLOBAL NEW WORLD ORDER GOVERNMENT- (BEAST) of Revelation.- BOZUNG linksenterprises/harlot.html
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 16:40:39 +0000

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