Comet Siding Spring encounter with Mars- only four days to - TopicsExpress


Comet Siding Spring encounter with Mars- only four days to go! Check out the awesome animation! On October 19th at around 2:27 p.m. EDT (1827 GMT), Comet C/2013 A1 Siding Spring, a dynamically new comet, fresh from the Oort Cloud, will fly by Mars at a distance of only 88,000 miles (139,500 kilometers) — one-third the distance between Earth and the Moon — traveling at about 126,000 mph (33 miles or 56 kilometers per second). NASA has its Mars orbiters and rovers poised, ready to take the first ever pictures of a comet from another world and gather data on both the comet and its effect on the Martian atmosphere. Seen here is NASAs animation released on Oct. 9th, showing the comets close encounter with the red planet. The comet will be less than one-tenth the distance of any known comet flyby of Earth! Below are recordings of the latest live-streamed talks. They are both excellent but if you only watch one- I highly recommend the Oct. 9th press briefing. Oct. 9th Press briefing with four panelists (1 hr): https://youtube/watch?v=yICO-Fy3RQ0 Oct. 14th NASA Comet Social (2 hrs): (Covers both comets Siding Spring and Rosettas comet, 67P) Links of interest: spaceflightinsider/missions/solar-system/comet-siding-spring-close-encounter-mars-october-19/ Animation Source & further reading: -Suzy.
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 08:16:15 +0000

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