Coming Against Your Picture Perfect Jesus: Redefining the Norms of - TopicsExpress


Coming Against Your Picture Perfect Jesus: Redefining the Norms of a Christian--You Aint No Real Bishop, Im Talking About You Bishop So often when you dont live up to preconceived norms and prevailing traditions, others will challenge your authenticity. But YHWH will raise up a need for you in order to challenge the status quo and bring in disruptive change. When you are truly called of YHWH people will have a need for you in their life. Look for your dream--in you or in another. People may not want your Christ but what you can do for them. But the word says, so let your light shine before men that when they see your good works they will honor your Father whos in heaven. (Matthew 5:16) When you are in Christ you never have to fear someones selfish intents or purposes. Because all things work together for good for those who love YHWH and are called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28) There are stages in life: 1. The Promise (before you get saved YHWH gives you the promise of salvation) 2. Relationship (a promise cultivates relationship) 3. Deliverance (relationship with YHWH produces great miracles) 4. Wilderness (after youre delivered then you encounter a wilderness experience; in the wilderness you learn through faith and patience you inherit the promise) 5. Walking and Inhabiting Your Promise (after enduring all else you embody the fulfillment of the word) If you examine the word, you see these stages in the history of the children of Yisrael. Recognize, what stage youre in. Christians tend to look for other Christians to bless them; rather, look to be promoted by all, including your Pharaohs and Yudases. Choose your devils wisely. Even unsaved people have an understanding of what to expect from Christians, and when someone in the way doesnt live up to that expectation, they are often hurt or left questioning. When youre led of the Spirit, you realize that each person you must deal with in a unique way and as the Spirit leads. How you view or perceive Christ is usually how you interact with other people. If you perceive Christ as direct then you will be blunt and direct with others. If you perceive Christ as calm, unprovoked and compassionate then you will deal with others accordingly. In Matthew Chapter 15 (v21-28), Christ is petitioned by the Canaanite woman whose daughter is vexed with a demon. At first, He ignored her, including his disciples who desired to send her away. He even told her, But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel. (Matt 15:24) After which, she came and worshipped him. Still, Christ replied with a hard saying: But he answered and said, It is not meet to take the childrens bread, and to cast it to dogs. Still, her faith counted her back in. And she said, Truth, Adonai: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters table. (Matt 15:27) Ultimately, Christ could not deny her faith to which he replied: Then Yahshua answered and said unto her, O woman, great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt. And her daughter was made whole from that very hour. (Matt 15:28) You get from Christ what you desire based on your response. When you go to people, get what you came to get. Dont get caught up in their attitude or tone but get what you came for. Dont get distracted. Remain invested in your purpose. Too many Christians lack the skill to get what they need. Know your goal and intent before you make your petition known. Never discriminate against the vessel that YHWH uses to bless you or accomplish your goal. Norm: a standard, model or pattern; a designated standard of average performance of people of a given age Theres nothing like having purpose because purpose gives you direction. A true entrepreneur has an eye to see your gift and its value even before the beholder can appreciate it. When you do not value yourself, you sell yourself short. But when you know your value you leverage your gift to the greatest audience. When you shed yourself of your uniqueness you become average. Too many churches do the same. If you want to be a pioneer you must be first and willing to be mocked, questioned or ridiculed. Do something the world have never seen before. If youre trying to please someone you are no longer unique. When youre no longer unique your value depreciates. In Matthew 22:15-21 Christ rebukes the Pharisees and calls them hypocrites. Even so, He was speaking life to them. Once a person recognizes the truth of who he/she is, then he/she can get forgiveness and become whole. 1 Timothy Chapter 3 we learn the requirements of a bishop: - anepileptos: above reproach, not open to attack - kosmios: well arranged, given to hospitality, apt to reach - paroinos: to be drunk - plektes: violent man, one who fights - amachos: not needing to fight due to overwhelming strength When you accomplish what Christ called you to accomplish people will be drawn to you. You cant live your life by what not to be, but you must live your live according to who and what you are. When you are spiritual you understand that every word has a result. Christ in choosing his language looks to put someone in the position to receive a miracle. Sometimes that requires you to be denied your initial request. Herein, Christ requires that you take your faith to a new level. Yahn 6:63 It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. Zoe: life Matthew 4:4 But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of Elohim. Rhema: that which is uttered by the living voice
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 04:06:30 +0000

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