Coming Up Roses Gathering June 30th 2 PM at the - TopicsExpress


Coming Up Roses Gathering June 30th 2 PM at the shop… Participants Present: Julie, Sue Thompson, Floralyn, Padmini, Madhurii ma, Shivanii Ma We held hands in sisterly communion… Turtle Shells: Julie brought up the fact that the sale of painted turtle shells may be illegal in the shop. Sale of this item could encourage the abuse of turtles. She volunteered to call the forestry/conservation dept to research exactly what the local laws ar regarding this. Hooray for us!! We acknowledged the success of the shop for 2 months running.. The grand opening held last Friday night was a grand success. We had 50 to 60 people flowing through. We all had lots of fun. The roses gave themselves a pat on the back!! Finance Report: Padmini gave the report for the month. We took in $823.52cfor the month. Giving just over $100 to the shop. The tip jar had $30 in it!! Receipts for transactions were handed out. We made $338 at the grand opening. So we talked about the possibility of having an event each month to promote this kind of sale action. Padmini suggested having an ice cream social to be held beginning of August. Smiley`s ice cream could make some exotic flavors for us. Admission could be $4 for all you can eat. Expenses could be taken off the top with the rest to the shop. We would also like to have the shop open one night a month. Floralynn will offer her workshop on Spirit Collages on Sunday, August 11th from 2-4 PM. There may be another book club coming once a month. Also, Shivanii chatted with JoAnn Bailey about hosting her club on a Tuesday when they meet (20 of them). We would be willing to come in on a Tuesday for this. Shivanii will call her again about this.. Member Agreement: Paula (Padmini) showed the “member contract” she had typed up and we discussed it. After quite a bit of conversation we decided that membership would involve one of 2 choices: *Fee of $35 per month plus 2 volunteer work days per month and commission of 10% to be given to the shop Or *Fee of $35 per month with no volunteer days and commission of 25% to be given to the shop There are always extenuating circumstances and we agreed that other options would be available on a case by case basis decided by consensus of the group at our monthly gatherings. Madhurri Ma went over the entire list of participants in the shop. These were divided into solely financial supporters, women who are donating 25% commission, and full fledged members contributing playtime at the shop, monthly fee and 10% donation to the shop. There are 11 full members. We would like to have 20. We discussed at length the philosophy of the shop with Sue Thompson who wanted to know if her joing the membership would fit her needs. We emphasized that making money or considering the shop as a “business” was not our primary goal. Rather seeing the shop as an opportunity for spiritual communion with women of all backgrounds and persuasions was. Seeing the shop as a venue for women to express themselves collectively through art, cooking, etc. was. We also agreed that flexibility is our creed. Sue decided to join for this month so we welcome her with open arms. She volunteered to be the radio spokesperson and will spread the word encouraging new members as well as more folks coming in to shop. We are thrilled with this and so appreciative!! With enthusiasm, we decided to donate the contents of the tip jar to Christos House. Sue will publicize the philanthropic aspects of the shop. Home Décor Where shall we put more book shelves? We need room to put more shop items especially for new members. Janet R. Arth has offered to donate a glass cabinet? which could be used by Sue Thompson. It was suggested that 2 members volunteer each month to redecorate the shop. The volunteers would be rotated amongst the group so that everyone would have a chance. Items should be moved around to change the displays. This would provide variety for returning customers and would allow items not previously easily viewed to change location. This was approved by the group as a good way to approach this challenge. Madhurii Ma and Floralynn will volunteer for August as the shop was recently rearranged for July. We are all working hard for the shop. We love the collectivity aspect and would like to keep it that way. But things need to change and be rearranged periodically. This would include window redecoration. Dusting and cleaning should be done by these volunteers during this process. In this way , we could keep up. Keep in mind the holidays each month in the decor of the shop. The Very Good News We now have access to an online calendar!!! It is through google. In this way each of us can view and change/add to the monthly volunteers and workshop schedule as we need to and everyone can view it! This is exciting… To access the calendar: *Go to google *user name or email is rosescomingup@gmail *password is .... *click on calendar and it will appear!! Shivanii Ma has filled in what has been in the schedule book for July and August already. If you cannot figure out how to add and edit the calendar, please email Shivanii Ma and she will walk you through it personally. Julie and Shivanii Ma offered to be in charge of scheduling. With this new tool, life will be a lot easier!! We are blessed… Misc Please remember to scramble the numbers on the back door lock when you come in. Then we got to toilet talk!! The toilet will hopefully be fixed this week as well as the ceiling in the massage room. There will be remodeling done upstairs as there are no tenants presently. We hope this will not disturb shop flow. The next gathering of the roses is scheduled for Sunday, August 4 at 2 PM. We hope to see you all there… We wished a good, safe and joyful journey to Madhurii ma who will be leaving for her homeland of Holland tomorrow for 5 weeks. She will be missed… We sang our theme song “Woman Am I” and closed by holding hands together. By Goddesses good grace, the gathering ended at 4:15 which was about 15 minutes ahead of what we collectively agreed would be the cutoff point. Respectfully Submitted in Her Grace and Love, Shivanii Ma
Posted on: Fri, 05 Jul 2013 22:53:25 +0000

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