Coming soon - watch out for Jaguar v Croc film clip Some - TopicsExpress


Coming soon - watch out for Jaguar v Croc film clip Some amazing rear film not often witnessed in the wild From Traceys Jaguar trip notes. Jaguar Kill Day three was to prove an amazing experience. We set off as usual at day break upstream along the Cuiaba River and branched off to the Three Brothers River and found a magnificent large male Jaguar hunting along the rivers edge around 7.30am and tracked its progress to 11.30am, these cats are opportunistic, stalking ambush predator, top of the food chain, witnessing five unsuccessful attempts, it decided to lay up in the shade just in the bush, out of view. It is quite tough to follow these cats as they disappear into the forest like ghosts, there one minute, gone the next! So we decided to check out a reported Jaguar sighting down stream and were rewarded with a female Jaguar hunting along the rivers edge, and within 5minutes she went into stalk mode and crept along on her belly towards the waters edge and with a lightening jump, pounced down with a large splash onto a large caiman grabbing it by the back of the head and for the next few minutes struggled with it in the water and finally dragged the caiman up onto the bank, where the caiman in a life and death struggle grabbed hold of a tree and held on for dear life. While this was playing out I caught this amazing action on film from my small Camera boat, and when the Jaguar delivered the fatal bite piercing the armored skull, it licked the caimans head and with a huge effort pulled the caiman still holding the tree and both disappeared into the bush for a well earned meal for the Jaguar. Jaguars here in the Pantanal have adapted to killing caiman by a bite directly through the skull between the ears delivering a fatal bite to the brain. WOW. Many days I saw no Jaguars, so this was a very special day. Over the next days we hunted from early morning and again from mid to late afternoon checking the sandy banks, patches of dense tropical forest on the riverbank, and rush-beds along the waters edge.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 04:20:06 +0000

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