Coming soon! Flashing lights swarmed the backdrop, just as Rodney - TopicsExpress


Coming soon! Flashing lights swarmed the backdrop, just as Rodney hit the corner. His adrenaline was on ten and the day’s events brought forth a sobering reality. He tried his best to control the anxiety that had settled in the core of his stomach, so that he could safely get away from the chaos, but the shaking in his hands would not stop. In fact, he was shaking so hard that it was causing his driving to become shaky as well. His mind was racing in every possible direction but the correct one. He swiped his hand over his face in attempt to calm his nerves. It did little to help, as his cousin came to mind. He immediately pulled out his cell phone to call his cousin, Marco, in Atlanta. Laying low was the only logical thing to do and Marco was the first person to come to mind. Whenever he got into some drama, Marco was there to help get him out of it. Marco answered the phone with heavy noise in the background. “What’s up cuz?” He said, laughter filling his tone. Rodney could have sworn he heard a female’s voice as well. “Aye, I’m on my way.” Rodney’s voice was filled with wild notes of hysteria, and it didn’t go unnoticed. Marco turned the music down and pressed the phone back to his ear. He looked to the scantily clad woman that he was entertaining and held his hand up, silencing her. A worry line formed on his forehead. “ You good?” He asked Rodney, with concern evident in his voice. Hell naw, Rodney thought. The predicament he was in caused him to shudder with instinctive revulsion. “Man, I’m on my way.” Rodney danced around the question, then added, “I’ll hit you up when I touch down!” He told him, unwilling to speak over the phone, as a police cruiser shot pass him with the sirens blaring, causing his heart to flutter. His eyes followed the cruiser until he was unable to any longer. He let out a breath of relieved air when the cruiser kept going without giving him a wavering thought. “Say no more!” Marco responded, bringing Rodney’s attention back to the phone conversation and just like that, Marco had hung up, awaiting Rodney’s arrival. Rodney really didn’t have to say anything else, he was always welcomed. Rodney made it to his three bedroom ranch and frantically began to scramble about the place, grabbing up as much as he could; which consisted of all the money out of his safe hidden in his walk in closet, his favorite jewelry, a few outfits, and shoes. His mind was racing in every possible direction and his heart even had the nerve to be hurting. Damn… the feeling was so foreign to him and he most certainly didn’t like it. Rodney jumped at every sound, praying that it wasn’t the police coming to kick the door in and haul him off to jail. That fear alone had him speeding up the process and in his car pulling off in no time. He took one last look at his home… his castle, and let out a sigh, just as he hit the corner. “Why in the hell would he try to take the gun with his dumb-ass? I wasn’t gon’ shoot him – or was I?” Rodney debated with himself as he hurriedly rushed as far away from the state of Michigan as possible. He had possibly committed his first murder and it was all over a woman…
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 13:32:53 +0000

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