Coming to a town near you. Wanna know how well police are trained - TopicsExpress


Coming to a town near you. Wanna know how well police are trained with these types of military type vehicles? 5 years ago. a Boca Raton Police Officer lost control of his Swat Team Hummer and hit my husbands Tundra parked in our driveway. Yes, thats right he lost control, and left SW 2nd Ave where the speed limit is 25, went across the swale,went across the sidewalk,went across the lawn, and hit a parked truck in our driveway. Every cop in town came to laugh at him and we got a measly check of $1100. Now imagine what other types of damage a police officer could do while under pressure and under control of their ego. Now imagine if some one like Hitler or Rick Perry became president. Imagine Armenia or Poland or Palestine or Northern Iraq but here stead with these officers who were suppose to serve and protect but now instead just wanting to squash us for exercising something like free speech. Oh and take away our guns too while youre at it so we are sitting ducks.This isnt just about race, or possible juvenile delinquents,this is about dangerous situations facing society as a whole. Oh and of course the penalty for stealing cigars is always death without a trial. You knew that right? Better think twice before you leave your house. Oh wait some of them have battering rams. staying home can be bad too. Remember in LA in the 80s they were using battering rams a lot. In one instance, the drug dealers were in one house and the police rammed the house next door collapsing the entire front of the house and injuring the occupants. They got a really big check. Your tax dollars at work against you. Have fun.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 05:10:59 +0000

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